Courageous People Display These 23 Traits Without Realizing It!

When you think of a courageous person, what picture comes to mind? Do you envision the firefighter who rushes into a burning building to pull people to safety? Perhaps, you see the person whose life has been beaten down one too many times get up and fight again?

Many people envision courage as a physical trait, but it’s also very much a mental characteristic that’s good to have too. Remember the iconic movie “The Wizard of Oz” where the cowardly lion just wanted some courage? Courage is one of the things that you need to thrive in this life.

23 Traits Courageous People Display

How do you know if you’re courageous, or do you have some work to do to conquer your fears? Here are some habits that people with courage display.

1. Courageous People Display Confidence

Courageous people believe in themselves even when no one else does. When the odds are stacked against them, they still think they can do whatever they set their mind to accomplish. They’ve learned to be their cheerleader and pump themselves up even when the whole world is in opposition.

2. Mindful Living

The courageous person knows nothing good happens when you keep turning to the past. They embrace mindful living and focus on the here and now. They know that ruminating about what’s behind them isn’t help them reach their goals, so they keep moving forward.

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3. Courageous People Have Integrity

Though they have the drive to compel them forward, the courageous person still has integrity. They won’t sacrifice their principles to get ahead in life. They live by a strict set of morals and guidelines and won’t compromise.

4. Boldness

Someone with courage has fears, but they will stand up for what they believe in and put those worries aside. They have no problem putting someone in their place or making moves against the grain. They have leadership qualities that bring out the boldness deep inside.

5. Visionary

Everyone has a dream inside them, but some people are afraid to chase after this vision. Having an idea creates clarity, and Forbes Magazine says it’s helpful to have a personal vision statement. This statement helps you to understand yourself and your future a bit better.

6. Natural Born Leaders Have Courage

Whenever a courageous person is put into the mix, they will always be the one leading the troop. Their leadership skills are hard to deny; even though they have fears, they will still see the mission through. They know how to utilize the skills of others to make the best impact.

7. Positive Thinking and Optimism

Courageous people know the power of positive thinking. It’s easy to be negative and naysay things when the picture is bleak, but they know that the key to getting anything done is the proper mindset. They know that positive thinking is the key that opens the lock to fulfilling your dreams.

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8. Courage Requires Tenacity

Having courage means slaying some significant hurdles that get in your way. Someone tenacious will keep going because their inner drive compels them. Even if the whole team bails on them and doesn’t believe in the task anymore, the person with courage will keep going because of their tenacious spirit.

9. Prompt

Procrastination isn’t a word that’s in the brave person’s vocabulary. These people show up and show out. They know that the early bird gets the worm, an excellent skill …

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