How to use Crystal Healing Combined with Reiki

Reiki and crystals are both powerful healing tools in their own right, but combining reiki with crystal healing can help to magnify, specify and regulate your healing experience.

  • Magnify – by channelling Reiki through a living crystal matrix it is possibly to amplify the healing power being delivered and filter it to a more specific wavelength for a specific site or complaint.
  • Specify – Reiki is abundant universal energy, but in the same way we can focus light through a prism, we can use crystals to specify types of healing or locations that need to be worked on.
  • Regulate – Sometimes in treatment we don’t want to use the full force of the Reiki available to us, such as when treating people with secondary problems or certain growths, so we can use crystals to regulate the flow of the Reiki energy into a steady or more manageable flow for the patient/client.

What is Crystal Reiki?

Woman holding a large Reiki crystal

Crystal Reiki is a hybrid discipline, combining the benefits of both Reiki and Crystal Healing.

Reiki means ‘universal (life) energy’ and has become one of the most popular and successful forms of energy healing techniques in just under a century. 

The advantage Reiki has over many other healing techniques is that the energy does not come from the healer, but is channeled through the healer from an endless universal store.

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While in some healing techniques there can be a drain on the practitioner, in Reiki, the practitioner benefits as much as their subject.

Crystal healing is another type of alternative healing therapy, using the resonance and energy patterns of crystals to bring harmony to unstable energies in the mind or body.

Crystal healing can be active – using specific crystals directly during meditation, cleansing rituals, or on chakras.

Crystal healing can also be a passive process – carrying crystals to support you in areas where you need an extra bit of help.

Crystals are a natural fruit of the earth.

Scientifically, each form in a unique pattern depending on the substance it is formed from, and this gives each a unique resonance pattern and crystal structure.

Different crystals have different associations, such as the use of clear quartz for healing and energy, which can be combined in a variety of ways.

Combining the two is a natural outgrowth of practicing either and brings the universal energy of Reiki into the harmonic resonance of crystals, creating a healing technique that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Crystals can be used to store or direct the Reiki in a specific way to different parts of the body, adjusting the energy flow depending on their unique resonance for a potent, multi-level healing effect that can bring about astonishing results.

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How Crystal Reiki Works

Using a Reiki Crystal

Crystal Reiki works by combining the power of Reiki practice with the natural properties of crystals to direct and control the flow of energy.

Think of it as a ‘spiritual circuit board’, with the Reiki providing the energy, the crystals being the individual components and the net result being more than the pieces involved.

Drawing on Reiki provides access to a cosmic universal energy.

Using the Reiki power symbols, this energy can be modified slightly for power, balance, or deeper healing.

Reiki healing is usually directed into the body through the chakras and along energy meridians to reach deep into mind, body, and spirit and effect healing where it is most needed.

Like water, Reiki flows ‘downstream’ often affecting the deepest or greatest need.

Sometimes, your patient may have a more specific and immediate need for which they visit you and so you need to temper the flow of the energy somehow.

Crystals can help with this, as their unique vibrational energies can direct the flow of Reiki to specific regions or purposes.

Comparatively, if you line up your choice of crystals with the Reiki, they can serve to magnify or increase the power of the healing, giving a huge energy boost alongside the healing effect!

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Benefits of Crystal Reiki

Combining crystal healing with Reiki has three main benefits as outlined above, magnifying, specifying, and regulating.

These lend a depth and sophistication to your healing practice, providing you with extra tools and more refined connections to better enable you as a practitioner to serve the needs of your patients or clients.

Crystal Healing combined with Reiki is a power boost to the practitioner and can make the process seem more grounded to the patient by providing a tangible item through which they can associate the process – people like to ‘see’ something being done or used and not everyone has the sensitivity to feel the changes brought on by Reiki immediately.

This idea of an ‘artifact’ can also provide a patient with something to take away, to remind them that the healing has taken place,…

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