Kwan Yin / St. Jude Meditation

Article by Chimi 

This meditation helps you to balance compassion and resilience by calling upon Kwan Yin and St. Jude.

Kwan Yin is the Chinese Buddhist deity of compassion, and St. Jude is the Roman Catholic patron saint of hopeless causes. Kwan Yin hears the cries of her people, and St. Jude helps us to see the light at the end of the tunnel, even when we think we can’t. I call on both of these deities as needed.

This meditation assumes you have a good understanding of the 7 chakras. You may want to record this.

1. Make sure you are in a quiet place and sitting or lying down comfortably. Close your eyes or gently gaze down a few feet in front of you.

2. Visualize Kwan Yin at your left shoulder, standing slightly above it.

3. Visualize St. Jude at your right shoulder, standing slightly above it.

4. Kwan Yin touches the left side of your head. She sends energy that manifests as a purple color, with silver flickers of light in it, from the top of your head down to the base of your spine.

5. St. Jude touches the left side of your head. He sends energy that manifests as a green color, with gold flickers of light in it, from the top of your head down to the base of your spine.

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6. The purple energy from Kwan Yin and green energy from St. Jude intertwine with each other as they move down your spine. They wrap around the spine and get closer, and both energies fuse with each other. The purple is deep, mysterious, helping you to go inside yourself. The green is vibrant, open, helping you express who you are.

7. Sit with both energies traveling along your spine for as long as you can.

8. The purple and green energies reach the base of your spine, entering your Root Chakra. The purple energy envelopes the Root Chakra, gently cleansing the chakra and filling it with compassionate energy. The green energy goes out from your Root Chakra as gentle rays of light, increasing its ability to expand and send energy out into the universe. Feel the soft purple energy of the Kwan Yin nurturing your Root Chakra and the strong energy of St. Jude supporting the energy being sent out from the Root Chakra. You are nurtured as you go forward in this world and supported in your ability to take care of yourself.

9. The purple and green energies enter your Sacral Chakra. The purple energy envelopes the Sacral Chakra, gently cleansing the chakra and filling it with compassionate energy. The green energy goes out from your Sacral Chakra as gentle rays of light, increasing its ability to expand and send energy out into the universe. Feel the soft purple energy of the Kwan Yin nurturing your Sacral Chakra and the strong energy of St. Jude supporting the energy being sent out from the Sacral Chakra. You are nurtured as you establish healthy boundaries with others and nourish your creativity.

Kwan Yin/St. Jude Meditation

Image by colorfulco1967

10. The purple and green energies enter your Solar Plexus Chakra. The purple energy envelopes the Solar Plexus, gently cleansing the chakra and filling it…

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