Learn How to Succeed as a Male Massage Therapist | Natural Healers

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Alternative Medicine Opportunities: The Massage Industry Needs Men

What matters most in a massage? Healing. Whatever healing means to the client—reducing stress, relieving back pain, recovering from an injury—healing is what matters most to massage therapists, whether they are women or men.

And while men aren’t the majority of massage therapists, they are a presence—and an important one—in the world of massage therapy.

The survey conducted by the Academy of Clinical Massage in 2022 showed that nearly 85% of massage therapists are women. Unfortunately, men in the industry often have to deal with concerns that clients have about seeing a male massage therapist.

Clients’ anxiety can come from the inherently sensual nature of massage and homophobia, to mention only two reasons some people may prefer female massage therapists.

Alternative Medicine and Male Massage Therapists

On this topic, the MassageMag.com article, “Beating the Odds: How to Succeed as a Male Massage Therapist,” describes how today’s massage clientele are moving away from old stereotypes. The article points out how male massage therapists have helped build their gender’s reputation as highly qualified and unthreatening alternative medicine providers.

While massage newcomers might still shy away from men, experienced massage recipients often focus more on the quality of a massage than the gender of the massage therapist. Men looking to enter the industry can contribute to the great reputation male massage therapists have built with their professional manner, great listening skills and quality massage technique.

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Don’t let stereotypes deter you from your career goals. If you are a man interested in an alternative medicine career, take a closer look at what massage therapy can offer. The industry needs your compassion, sensitivity and strength, and, although they may not know it yet, so do your future clients.

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in naturalhealers.com. All the rights of content are owned by naturalhealers.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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