Men Explain 6 Signs of a Bad Girlfriend

Is your relationship healthy? Many people with bad girlfriends or boyfriends struggle with intense feelings of denial. When your head clouds up with love and affection for someone, it’s hard to see their negative sides or to want to stop seeing them. You may even overlook signs of a toxic partner because of your love for them.

Relationships are often complicated and complex, which can make spotting danger signs and red flags difficult. Nevertheless, it’s essential to be aware of potential deal-breakers, so keep an eye out for these six signs of a bad girlfriend.

Editorial note: We acknowledge that bad boyfriends exist; however, these characteristics comprise negative behaviors of some women in relationships. We address bad boyfriends in a separate article.

1. A Bad Girlfriend Provides Streams Of Negative Feedback And No Positive Feedback

A little banter between partners isn’t unhealthy, and plenty of couples are happy with adding a bit of a bite to their flirtation. But that has to balance with positive things. Furthermore, it has to be mutual and enjoyed by both of you.

A bad girlfriend isn’t saying negative things as a form of playful teasing. Her negative feedback is often not constructive and is usually not proportional to the situation. To make matters worse, almost everything she says to you about you is negative. Here are some conditions that may apply if your partner is a bad girlfriend:

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Finding Fault

She always seems to find something wrong with what you do. You feel like you can never live up to her expectations. She may claim she has high standards, but you feel like you’re fighting a losing battle. You might think that nothing you do will ever be enough.

The Relationship Is “Her Way or the Highway”

She wants everything done her way and seems to think she always knows best. As a result, you may hear phrases like “I’m always right” a little too often.


She talks negatively about you behind your back, especially to her friends. Her friends always seem to know your worst qualities and the fights you’ve had with your girlfriend. Often, the story is skewed to show your girlfriend in a positive light.

Lacking Accountability

She doesn’t like when you have negative feedback for her. So when you try to give her negative or even constructive feedback, she becomes angry or acts like you shouldn’t have dared to speak to her about this.

Trying to Fix You or the Relationship Into Something That Cannot Be

She wants you for your “potential,” not for who you are. Sometimes it may feel like she gives you so much feedback because she wants you to be the perfect boyfriend for her and that she’s not happy with who you are as you are.

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2. A Bad Girlfriend Is Not There For You

In a healthy relationship, all partners are there for each other. They’re supportive, help each other out when necessary, and care for each other in their ways. Many men naturally try to be there for the person they’re committed to as a way of being chivalrous, but this behavior shouldn’t be gendered! A good girlfriend will be there for you just as much as you’re there for her. Signs of a bad girlfriend who won’t be there for you include:

She never wants to help when you ask for reasonable favors She doesn’t offer any emotional support when you need it A bad girlfriend doesn’t support your …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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