Multicolored Crystals: Access Their Versatile Healing Properties

INSIDE: Multicolored crystals are magnetic, fascinating, and, you guessed it – incredibly healing! Each of these natural formations has the power to help us improve our lives, our mindset, and our health. Let’s discover how we can benefit from these 15 multicolored healing gemstones…


When we vibrate high, we naturally attract blessings, joy, and abundance our way. But when our vibration is low, we feel lethargic, stuck, down in the dumps, and unable to manifest our desires.

One of the most potent ways to prevent loss of positive energy and protect our energy field from negativity is to use crystals in our everyday routine. Gemstones have a transmuting ability that can influence our lives both with their energy and color.

According to Science of People, colors have multiple effects on our lives, influencing not only how others perceive us, but also our mood and how we feel about ourselves. The same applies to crystals; their colors can help us feel happier, calmer, or more motivated, depending on their properties.

Especially eye-catching, multicolored crystals have a lot to offer for your healing journey and are more than just beautiful pieces of art created by mother nature. They inspire positive transformation, help us grow, achieve, overcome challenges, and so much more.

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Let’s explore how these gemstones and their versatile properties can instigate change in our lives…

15 Multicolored Crystals You’ll Want in Your Collection

Multicolored stones are multifaceted and have a myriad of healing properties. Just like the spectrum of colors, they have a wide array of properties that have a positive effect on our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.

To unlock their full potential, it is important to know how they can benefit us and what they are used for in healing practice.

Let’s discover how each of these multicolored specimens contribute to our wellbeing…

Rainbow Fluorite

The energy of the Rainbow Fluorite is like the rainbow after the storm – it is calming, healing, helps you get unstuck, and brings a ray of hope. Rainbow Fluorite is recognized for its ability to promote peace and stimulate the release of anything that holds us back or weighs us.

No matter if it’s an inner conflict or conflicting relationships, it brings clarity and fresh perspectives to any issue, illuminating the root cause of our blockages.

Being an incredibly harmonizing influence, it helps mend relationships and let go of those connections that we need to release. Its energy is gentle, yet uplifting, and it benefits our emotional wellbeing, bringing calming energy into our energetic space.

Rainbow Fluorite is not only great for relaxation but is also powerful protection and cleansing stone, as well. It forms an energetic barrier between us and those who do wish us well, shielding us from ill intentions, manipulation, or deceit. It eliminates old energy from our aura and helps us release burdens that are not ours to bear or belong to the past.

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This is a powerful crystal to have by your side when doing release rituals, detoxifying the body and the mind and cleansing energetic space



Bloodstone is one of the multicolored crystals that can truly awaken you to your potential and your innate strength. This gemstone encourages us to live the life of our dreams, boldly and fearlessly.

As the stone of vigor and vitality, Bloodstone activates the lower chakras, helping us feel awake, present, and energized, yet still composed. Its energy acts as a motivator, evoking the ambition and drive to go after what truly makes us happy. It inspires us to try new things and solve problems in a creative way.

Bloodstone is the energy that brings in a necessary dose of bravery, helping us go after what we want while staying persistent and focused on that path. It eliminates self-doubt and negative beliefs related to success and helps us stand in our power and cultivate self-respect.

This frequency strengthens not only the body, helping us establish new healthy habits, but also the mind and the heart, balancing our emotions. It can help us make the right choices and stay determined and inspired to solve our problems rather than being discouraged by them.

Bloodstone also acts as a powerful shield against malice, bullying, or shaming, being a powerful talisman and a protective force. 

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Snowflake Obsidian 

Magical as it is, Snowflake Obsidian is a gift from nature for philosophers, those on a healing journey, and anyone who strives to become a better version of themselves.

Being a gemstone that promotes self-reflection, Snowflake Obsidian inspires us to dive deeper into our psyche to better understand ourselves and make peace with our shadow. It helps us recognize the causes of our suffering and let go of shame, guilt, and limiting beliefs that keep us glued to the past. It is a powerful healing stone for healing the inner child and resolving trauma.

As one of our favorite multicolored crystals, Snowflake…

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