How to Use Blue in Feng Shui to Increase Wealth and Abundance!

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In feng shui, the color blue represents the water element.

The water element is associated with wealth and abundance and how well it flows into your home and into your life. 

In fact, the water element is one of the main components of feng shui, because the name “feng shui” actually means “wind” and “water.” 

One of the ways to understand how feng shui works is to think about how wind or water would flow into and around your home. 

Would it get stuck anywhere? Would it have to flow around a lot of clutter? Could it move around your home or office freely and easily?

When you think about it that way, you are thinking about energy flow (and therefore abundance and good fortune!)

blue in feng shui - living room with blue couch, chair, curtains, and rug

The color blue is interesting in feng shui, because often when people find out that blue = water, which = wealth, most people think that means the more blue, the better.

But think about the difference between a bubbling river and a crashing, thunderous waterfall, and you can see how too much water, moving too quickly can bring as many problems as a still, stagnant lake. 

Too much energetic flow can mean things move too quickly and cause destruction. 

But water that doesn’t move at all can cause stagnant, murky energy.

So it’s important to incorporate blue into your home, office, and life, but balance it with other colors so that the energy doesn’t move too quickly or water down the other elements.

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The Meaning of Blue in Feng Shui

That being said, in feng shui, the color blue represents:

  • Flow
  • Abundance
  • Inspiration
  • Authority
  • Importance
  • Loyalty
  • Deep thinking
  • Emotions
  • Introspection
  • Intuition
  • Communication

Blue is also associated with the Knowledge and Wisdom area of the feng shui bagua map.

This area is associated with spirituality, inner knowing, learning new things, studying and learning your career, and meditation and stillness of the mind.

living room with blue accent wall and blue chairs

Blue and the Feng Shui Bagua Map

The feng shui bagua map is the energetic map of your home. It shows you which areas of your home correspond with the different areas of your life.

(For a picture of the bagua map and instructions on how to use it, check out this post: What is the Feng Shui Bagua Map? The ULTIMATE guide for applying it to your home!)

Knowledge and Wisdom Area

The area associated with the color blue in feng shui is the knowledge and wisdom area.

This area is associated with learning, studying, inner wisdom, and spirituality. 

It supports anyone in your home who is learning something new or whose job requires expertise, certifications, or extensive knowledge (so, everyone!) It is also associated with wisdom, spirituality, and meditation. 

Adding blue to this area will support everyone in your home who could use more knowledge, wisdom, and spirituality in their life!

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Career Area

Because blue is associated with the water element, it can also be used in your home’s career area.

The career area of your home is related to your career, but also your path in life. 

Adding blue here can activate it and help you attract fresh energy in your job, career, or even help you figure out what’s next for you in your life.

Wealth Area

Because the water element is also associated with wealth and abundance, your home’s wealth corner can also be activated with the color blue. 

Adding blue to your home’s money corner can attract more abundance and good fortune in all areas!

Family and Legacy Area

In the feng shui element cycle, the water element feeds the wood element. 

The wood element is responsible for growth, fresh energy, and new beginnings.

The areas of your home associated with the wood element are the wealth area and the family and legacy area.

The family and legacy area is associated with relationships within your extended family, as well as the legacy you leave behind in life. 

Adding water to this area will boost the growth and closeness of your extended family relationship and ensure your family leaves a lasting legacy on this earth plane.

living room with blue walls, white couch, and gray and white home decor items

Blue in Different Rooms of Your Home

Blue in the Bedroom

Blue can be a great color in the bedroom, as it promotes calm and relaxation.

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However, it’s important to use blue as an accent color in the bedroom and not as the most dominant color in the room. 

Your bedroom represents your health and well-being, but it also represents your romantic relationship. 

Too much blue in the bedroom can “water down” your relationship, resulting in less passion and romance!

Make sure to balance blue with other colors so that it’s not the most dominant color in the room.

Blue in the Living Room

In feng shui, the living room is an active (Yang energy) area of the home, meant to spend quality time with guests and family members. 

Blue can work in the living room to help harmonize relationships. 

Too much blue, however, can cause the…

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