Oracle Card Reading December 05 – 11, 2021

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Embody

When you connect to and embody your Higher Self, the way you perceive yourself, others, and life transform forever.
Use HSZSN to connect daily to your Higher Self. Strengthen this intuitive communication to keep the divine channel open and diminish the distance between the physical and spiritual realm. Connecting with your true essence consciously will support the process of embodying your Higher Self.

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2. Frequency

Based on our daily thoughts, emotions, words, and actions, we vibrate on a particular frequency.
For the next week, focus on raising your frequency and live in the vibration of unconditional love. When you’re feeling out of alignment and disconnected, gently take a deep breath and remember to be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard inner battle, including yourself.

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3. Connection

Take this card as an invitation to a deeper connection with higher realms to reactivate some latent psychic powers within yourself. Before being a human on Earth you were something much more. It’s time to reconnect with your higher aspects and reclaim some of that universal legacy and knowledge. All you have to do is go deeper. Set aside some time for this Divine connection and let yourself be guided even further.

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Reiki blessings!

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