Larimar Stone – 9 Amazing Mystical Properties Of This Powerful Stone

So, you’ve heard of Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Rose Quartz, and all their amazing properties for our day-to-day lives and achieving our goals, but what about the amazing Larimar stone?

In this article, we’ll be taking a deep dive into this lesser-known stone that is so beneficial to spiritual souls in all aspects of their life. 

What Is Larimar?

First things first, let’s take a quick look at what Larimar is and its fascinating history.

Larimar is most commonly a blue stone in a range of shades, but some examples can verge on teals and greens.

What makes Larimar so special though, is the swirling patterns on the stone’s surface caused by the cooling process when it was formed.

These patterns perfectly mimic the colors of a glorious tropical ocean, and as no piece is the same the variance of these enchanting designs has the spiritual world captivated with the Larimar Stone. 

A Brief History Of Larimar

Larimar stone and it's history

While most stones such as Amethyst and Quartz have been used in spiritual practices and arts such as jewelry for centuries, Larimar’s history is surprisingly short.

Larimar is only found on one island of the Dominican Republic.

It was thought the stone was used by the Taino Indians who inhabited the island but as a whole Larimar wasn’t appreciated for its beauty nor its spiritual properties until the 1950s.

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It wasn’t until 1916 that any official documentation involving the stone was even recorded.

It was only in the 1970s that Larimar started to be actively sourced and used in artisan crafts. 

How Larimar Got its Name

One of the first modern artisans working with Larimar Miguel Mendez gave Larimar its name.

He named the beautiful oceanic name after his daughter ‘Larissa’ and combined it with the Spanish word for the sea which is ‘mar’.

Thus Larimar got its name.

Larimar is also often called the ‘dolphin stone’ and the ‘Atlantis stone’ thanks to its watery origins. 

Larimar’s Spiritual Associations

Before we delve into Larimars amazing mystical properties, let’s quickly explore where this stone sits admit the various spiritual belief systems.

Larimar is connected to the heart, throat, and third-eye chakras.

It is connected with the zodiac sign Leo and its master number is thought to be 55.

9 Mystical Properties Of Larimar Stone

Larimar Stone Ring

Despite only having a short history, Larimar has increased dramatically in popularity in recent years thanks to its many mystical and beneficial properties.

Below I’ve created a breakdown of Larimars most powerful properties. 

1. Larimar as a Healing Stone

One of the biggest reasons Larimar has become so popular within the metaphysical community is its powerful healing properties.

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As you read above, Larimar resonates well with three chakras so is a boon to those invested in the art of chakra balancing and healing. 

Larimar has one of the highest vibrational frequencies of any stone currently discovered or used in spiritual healing.

This high energy perfectly aligns Larimar with the throat chakra and can be used as a communication aid or a healing stone for ailments of the throat.

Alongside this Larimar has been known to have a powerful effect on the heart chakra, helping it to remain open thus allowing the users to express and reveal their true feelings and deepest desires.

That is why Larimar is highly prized as a love stone.

It’s thought that Larimars healing powers come not only from its vibrational energies but its color (blue) and watery origins.

Therefore, Larimar can help us merge our thoughts, which are often represented by the element air, with our emotions represented by water. 

2. Larimar as a Calming Stone

Larimar can bring luck to and calm to a variety of different locations including the workplace.

Placing a piece of Larimar stone on your desk or work area is thought to provide relaxing as reassuring energies that are conducive to accelerated productivity and a happy workplace. 

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Larimar is also well-regarded as a stone of serenity.

It is becoming an increasingly popular choice for individuals to use as a worry stone which is a smooth and tactile stone held in the hand and used to relieve anxiety and shed worries.

The fact that Larimar is excellent at emotional regulation only adds to this stones calming power. 

3. Larimar as a Communication Aid

As it has strong connections with the throat chakra, Larimar naturally helps its users to become better communicators.

Having Larimar in your life may help you speak with great confidence or open up regarding your emotions or more complex needs.

Larimar also emboldens its users to share their deeper thoughts, intentions, and concerns with others, thus lightening the emotional load. 

4. Larimar as a Meditation Guide

Larimar has become a popular stone for meditation.


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