Oracle Card Reading December 12 – 18, 2021

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Together

This card reveals the great strength of togetherness. “Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” Do something for someone else and notice how both of you enjoy endless ripples of joy from that compassionate act. When you’re happy and vibrant, you want to share that energy with every other living thing, so care for others and let others take care of you. Invite moments of great connection and togetherness in your life.

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2. Rebirth

A caterpillar is reborn as a butterfly. An old dysfunctional pattern of unworthiness dissolves and from its ashes, a healthy practice of self-love is born. Change is natural and always in your favor; there is nothing to fear. You are in the midst of being rebirthed! This card’s message is to deepen your rebirthing process with faith and courage. Pain and pressure might be present, but they are much needed in order to turn your inner coals into diamonds.

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3. Timing

This card reminds you to trust the Divine timing of things. Trust that right now, the Universe is arranging for all the pieces to come together to fulfill your soul’s desires. Release your expectations about how things should happen and let the Universe work its magic. What doesn’t happen at the expected time, in an expected way will happen at a better time, in a better way!

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Reiki blessings!

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