Oracle Card Reading April 03 – 09, 2022

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Embody

When you connect to and embody your Higher Self, the way you perceive yourself, others, and life transform forever. This card invites all aspects of your Higher Self to shine through your being so you can become a translucent vessel of Divine embodiment. Remember who you are! Allow your transformation to finally happen and meet your most authentic state of being.

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2. Frequency

For the next week, focus on raising your frequency and live in the vibration of unconditional love. Set this intention every morning and check-in with yourself every time you relate to people or situations. When you’re feeling out of alignment and disconnected, gently take a deep breath and remember to be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard inner battle, including yourself.

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3. Past lives

Let your wise soul guide you towards unifying your inner world. Focus on healing any disturbing energies from past lives by sending healing energy for all of those essences. Invite them to join forces with you and merge as a single free soul. Each past life your soul has experienced contains a unique lesson that needs to be integrated.

See also  Reiki Symbols for Money and Abundance I Explained! – Reiki Galore

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Reiki blessings!

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