Oracle Card Reading October 09 – 15, 2022

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Receive

Release any blockages, guilt, fear, or low self-esteem. You’re in control when you give but never when you receive. Receiving will always trigger your sense of vulnerability, so have the strength to be vulnerable. Let go of control and stop filtering what you should receive and what you shouldn’t. You are worthy of abundance in all its manifestations, unconditional love, forgiveness, peace, joy, and freedom.

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2. Grounding

Nature teaches through presence, through silence, through being. It is vital for everyone to be grounded, especially empaths and highly sensitive people such as energy healers. This card invites you to be fully present in your body, to connect to the sacred wisdom of Mother Earth and then, through it, straight to your unlimited inner potential.

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3. Limitless

There’s nothing here to stop you! Except yourself… This card invites you to contemplate and reflect on your limiting beliefs, inner blocks, and fears. You have greatness in you, many opportunities are unfolding, and still, nothing happens. Your wings are wide open but you’re not flying…yet! It’s time to flourish! Give yourself the recognition you deserve.

See also  4 Differences Between Infatuation and True Love

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Reiki blessings!

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