When a Healer Needs to Heal

Throughout my interactions with fellow Reiki healers, I have met persons who believe that our healing ability and/or spiritual gift makes us special from those who are not healers or using their spiritual gifts. Partially, this is true, but not in a manner that places others on a lower level. Everyone in this world has a special gift given to them by the Creator. It is not for those of us who decide to use our gift to sit in judgement on those who chose not to use theirs. Specifically, becoming a Reiki healer does not make us superior to those who are not healers. We are all human beings with emotions, challenging situations, and experiences that we are healing from in this life.

Becoming a Reiki healer is the beginning of healing, not a state of enlightenment. There is real work that must be put in by every healer to elevate the mindset, the heart, and personal actions in a constructive way for every situation. A healer should always work on remaining in a soul-centered space for healing self and others. Be aware that there is not a constant upward flow as a Reiki healer. Reiki changes and integrates with the individual, so if we are in a positive spiritual state, i.e., feeling bliss, peace, and happiness towards life, then we will feel the increase of Reiki energy within. Our view of others will be of acceptance. Additionally, there is an increase in our ability to understand the complex life journey intermingled with individual spiritual awakening. The unity of self and others is more pronounced, and it is more difficult to be in a state of superiority. There is a feeling of humbleness that develops in all interactions and people will sense the gentleness of healing combined with strength.

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On the opposite, if we fall into the belief that our gifts make us special beings, then we are moving towards a more egocentric space filled with hubris. This could lead to a decrease in spiritual elevation. It also closes the spiritual doors that are beginning to open and curtails positive relationships. Healers who are experiencing this state find themselves undergoing a lot of soul cleansing, meaning, all the things we do not like about ourselves starts reflecting in others. It is at this point where the gifts we believed made us better are of no use. There will be negative emotions, such as envy, anger, stress, and situational trauma appearing and re-appearing in our lives. And though one may argue that as a healer, we will experience these things anyway as part of natural cleansing, the egocentric state makes it worse because most times, we do not see where we played a part in the negative outcome.

When a Healer Needs to Heal

Instead, we believe it must have been the fault of others because they are not on the spiritual level that we are and do not have what we deemed to be special gifts. But in fact, it is us who have dropped in spiritual elevation and subsequently paused our true healing gift. The only thing to do from here, is to begin working on acceptance…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in reikirays.com. All the rights of content are owned by reikirays.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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