Orange Crystals: The Gateway to Fun, Inspiration & Intimacy

INSIDE: Orange crystals are one of the most natural and simple ways to bring more radiance and inspiration into your life. With their help, you can feel more enjoyment and happiness.


As we take on responsibilities and start maturing, we sometimes forget how essential it is to play.

Interesting research published by Frontiers in Psychology has shown that adults who are in touch with their playful side are more likely to be physically and mentally healthier.

The truth is, the inner child who likes to play and explore is not gone; we just need to rediscover it from time to time. A great way to do that is by using orange crystals to lighten us up.

Let’s learn about how these gemstones work and what they’re all about… 

The Symbolism of Orange Crystals

Resonating with the Sacral Chakra, orange crystals carry the symbolism of joy, prosperity, and abundance. They are connected to earthy pleasures, our human nature, and sexuality.

Their meaning is entwined with creation, be it the creation of life, an art piece, or a new idea.

Orange is the color of friendship and cooperation and it encourages us to be our authentic selves.

Orange gemstones symbolize sensuality, and connectedness to our body. Because of that, the vibration of orange is often associated with warmth, expansion, and radiance.

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These are inspiring stones, carrying the meaning of freedom of expression and true authenticity.

Invigorating Energy Crystals

What Makes Orange Gemstones so Healing?

When our sacral chakra is blocked, we feel restricted and unstable. Our lives feel dull and everything we do seems to turn into a mindless routine.

When that’s the case, we not only have trouble expressing ourselves creatively but may even feel old and tired, regardless of our age.

The sacral chakra is connected to our sexuality and the power of creation, and when we can’t get in touch with that part of ourselves, finding joy and pleasure seems like an impossible task.

When feeling like this for a prolonged period of time, we may even feel depressed and lethargic, as though all the light in our lives is gone. Our self-worth may be challenged and we may perceive people and our surroundings as threats to our security, unable to make meaningful connections. 

Orange crystals can be particularly helpful for these types of issues.

Confidence & Authenticity

Since they are connected to our sense of self, thanks to their energy, we find it easier to step into our power.

This empowerment has an incredible effect on our self-confidence, helping us see ourselves from a more positive perspective. They highlight our virtues and help us embrace all aspects of our being that make us who we authentically are. 

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Enjoyment & Motivation

Orange healing crystals can awaken our lust for life when we feel apathetic and unmotivated. Their energy pushes us to go out there and explore the world, and this sparks a natural curiosity.

As a result, new ideas seem to easily flourish and our projects can be brought to fruition.

Orange gemstones are very empowering and invigorating, and they can remind us to let our hair down and enjoy life a little more. This is particularly helpful for those who are constant worriers, who are overworked and don’t feel like they have the time to take breaks.

Orange Gemstones

Pleasure, Fun & Inspiration

These healing stones naturally attract joy and make us feel radiant. These are crystals of pleasure as well, so with their help, we can start enjoying the little things in life.

Every moment seems more fun, and we are able to approach circumstances with a lighthearted attitude. The energy of these stones calls us to be playful, experiment, and find something we feel passionate about or reignite old passions.

Because they are stones of inspiration, all of this power allows us to be more creative, birth new ideas, and express ourselves as we are.

Intimacy & Relationships

This is also related to our sexual energy and the pleasure we derive from intimacy. Stones of this kind help us embrace and love our body, without rejecting our human needs or deeming them inferior.

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They remind us how important it is to tend to our needs, be those needs for closeness and connection, or a need to express our individuality.

Orange gemstones help us find more pleasure in our relationships, both intimately and socially. We become more open to an energetic exchange with other people, and this helps draw more positive connections to us.

New friendships are formed easier, and old ones become even more positive and enjoyable.

Our relationships can greatly benefit from this energy because it lightens our aura, helping remove stiffness in the body and mind. This is the energy of sharing, so it can encourage us to be more generous but also attract more generosity to us.

It is the energy of equal give and takes, and this can make us less self-oriented and selfish and more receptive to the needs of others.

Instead, orange crystals promote togetherness and belonging, which is very healing to people who struggle with…

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