11 Biblical and Spiritual Meanings of Insects in Dreams

Whenever you dream of insects, it feels irritating. There is this annoying feeling that comes over you. Now, does this have a spiritual meaning as well? Yes, it does.

Dreaming about insects in your dream passes several spiritual messages to you.

Sometimes, it is best to take some minutes to reflect on the dream you just had concerning insects. Doing this will awaken your consciousness to the divine reality of the insect world.

Do you know that the bible even spoke concerning insects? Yes, the Bible spoke about them. We will discuss what the bible said and what it means to us.

There are 11 biblical and spiritual meanings of insects in dreams, and each of them is important.

None of the messages should ever be discarded by the dreamer. The reason is that God reveals the deep secrets of your life through dreaming of insects.

As we take a quick scan across the spiritual world of insects, I want you to closely observe the messages and select the ones that match your current condition.

Furthermore, you will be able to walk in precision.

Insects are powerful creatures and they can speak to us through dreams. How can they do this? Whenever they appear in our dreams, what message comes for us? Read on to find out.

What do Insects Represent in Dreams

Insects in dreams meaning

Insects in dreams represent your many thoughts and ideas. When you see numerous insects in your dream, it is talking about the various ideas you have concerning an issue.

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That is, you have several ideas on how to solve a problem, but you don’t know the best idea to implement.

As beautiful as having many ideas can seem, it becomes uncomfortable when you begin to search for the best possible solution. This leads to confusion and brings me to the second representation of insects in dreams.

Seeing insects in your dream can also mean your thoughts.

If the insects are properly lined up and moving in a straight file, it is talking about having an organized thought.

That is, you have carefully organized your thought life, and you are beginning to get clarity.

However, if the insects are scattered and moving in opposite directions, this is saying that your thoughts are organized. It is saying that you don’t know what to do yet. 

Either of these messages will come to you through insect dreams.

If you are confused, then pray to the universe for guidance. Once you dream of seeing insects in an organized fashion, you have attained a level of clarity and precision.

4 Biblical Meanings of Insects in Dreams

Biblical Meaning of Insects in Dreams

Biblically, we can extract 4 biblical meanings of insects in dreams. Whenever you dream of an insect, what does the bible have to say?

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Hard work and diligence:

Big ant

Now, if you take a closer look at the ant kingdom, you will realize that they are probably the most hardworking creatures on earth.

They work almost all through winter gathering food and building their homes for the summer season.

This is a lesson to learn.

Dreaming of insects encourages you to be hardworking. It encourages you to be diligent in your affairs. The book of proverbs 6:6 speaks to us about insects and encourages us to not embrace laziness. It tells us that there is dignity in every labor.

Avoid wastage:

Farmland with insects

Anytime you dream of insects consuming farmland, it talks about wastage, and the insect is yourself.

God has used the insect to represent your unbridled appetite that leads to lavish spending. This is why you have remained broke for so long.

The reason behind this deep revelation is that you have been praying for clarity concerning the reason for your poor state of living.

Because of your wasteful spending, you have given God enough reason to not bless you further.

Therefore, this dream should spur up repentance in your soul.

It is warning you against wastage, and encouraging you to save more, and invest much more, obeying this will bring abundance and prosperity into your life.

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If you ever dream of insects destroying farmland, the bible says that your appetite is the reason for your lack of money.

Therefore, control your appetite.

Spiritual sensitivity:

Red ladybug

If you dream of seeing a ladybug, this is a sign of spiritual sensitivity.

In the bible, God wants all of his children to become spiritually sensitive. The reason for this is that we will only be able to communicate with God when we are spiritually sensitive.

God calls insensitive people dead people, and they might never hear His voice.

Therefore, if you have become spiritually insensitive, God will give you a dream about a ladybug, which is saying that spiritual sensitivity is a must for all of God’s children.

You will develop this sensitivity through prayer and fasting.


2 Ants

Whenever you dream of an ant that slowly climbs up a wall, God is teaching you about patience.

No matter how long it takes, you will eventually attain your God-given destiny if you are patient.

Furthermore, the bible says that…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in angelicalbalance.com. All the rights of content are owned by angelicalbalance.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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