Past Lives: 13 Signs Your Soul Has Been Here Before | Aglow Lifestyle

Do you ever feel like you’ve been here before?

That maybe, somehow, your soul has journeyed through several lives already?

If so, you’re not alone.

Many people believe in the concept of past lives, and there are numerous signs that can suggest your soul has been around before.

Keep reading to learn more about the 13 most common signs that indicate your soul has previous experience on this earth.

Has everyone had past lives?

Personally, I believe that we have all had countless past lives.

Each one is like a drop of water in the ocean – each is unique, but ultimately they are all part of the same whole.

Just as we cannot remember all of the drops of water that make up the ocean, we cannot remember all of our past lives.

However, just as the ocean is always there, so too are our past lives.

They are a part of us, shaping who we are in this lifetime.

My thoughts on souls and past lives

Your soul is eternal.

It has existed since the beginning of time and will exist long after your physical body has passed away.

Throughout your soul’s journey, it has taken on many different forms.

Perhaps you have been a man or woman, rich or poor, young or old.

Each life is a learning experience, and each soul grows more with each incarnation.

Some believe that we choose our own experiences to learn specific lessons.

Others believe that our experiences are selected for us to balance out the karma we have accumulated in past lives.

Regardless of how you view it, there is no denying that your soul has a vast history.

And as you continue to explore your own spiritual journey, you may find yourself wondering about your past lives.

13 signs your soul has been here before

1. Deep connection to a particular place

There are many signs that your soul has been here before.

One of the most common is a deep connection to a particular place.

This connection can be hard to explain, but you may feel like you’ve been to this place before or that it’s somehow familiar to you. 

You may even feel a sense of homesickness for a place you’ve never been to before.

2. Recurring dreams or visions

Do you ever have the same dream or vision over and over again?

If so, this could signify that you’ve been here before.

These dreams and visions can take many different forms, but they often involve themes of past lives or previous incarnations.

In some cases, they may even provide glimpses into future events. 

If you find yourself having these kinds of dreams or visions, it may be worth exploring further to see if there is any deeper meaning behind them.

3. Strong intuition or psychic abilities

Intuition is a powerful thing.

For some people, it’s a strong gut feeling that something is true, even if they can’t explain why.

For others, it’s a more psychic ability to sense things about people or events that they couldn’t possibly know otherwise.

If you find that you have strong intuition or psychic abilities, it may be a sign that your soul has been here before.

This is because your soul would have accumulated knowledge and wisdom from all of its previous lifetimes that it can now access in this one.

You may find that you can read the energy or pick up on the emotions of those around you. 

You may also find that you can see beyond the veil of this reality and into other realms or dimensions.

If you have these abilities, it is essential to learn to trust your intuition and use it for guidance because your soul knows things that your conscious mind does not.

4. Feelings of déjà vu

If you’ve ever had the feeling that you’ve been somewhere or done something before, even though you know you haven’t, it could be a sign that your soul has been here before.

This feeling, known as déjà vu, is one of the most common signs people report experiencing when they feel they may have lived a previous life.

While déjà vu can sometimes be chalked up to mere coincidence, if you find yourself experiencing it frequently, it could be a sign that your soul has some unfinished business from a past life.

If you’re trying to figure out if your soul has been here before, paying attention to your feelings of déjà vu is a good place to start.

5. Past life memories

Sometimes, people experience memories of previous lives that they can’t explain.

These memories can come in the form of dreams, visions, or even just sudden flashes of remembrance.

If you have memories of a past life that you can’t explain, your soul may have been here before.

These memories may be buried deep in your subconscious, and it may take some work to bring them to the surface.

But if you feel like you have past life memories, it is worth exploring further to see what they might mean for you.

6. Inexplicable fear or phobias

Do you have a fear or phobia that you can’t explain?

If so, it could be a sign that your soul has been here before.


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