7 Powerful Sacral Chakra Stones [And How To Use Them]

Are you feeling over emotional? Do you sometimes find it hard to express your feelings?

This suggests that you have an imbalance in your sacral chakra!

But don’t worry, there are so many stones that you can use to heal and renew your second chakra!

We have seven main chakras in our body which run from our head all down our spine. They work together to keep our body and mind in harmony.

They are specific energy points and relate to different things, such as spirituality and communication. 

Our second chakra is the sacral chakra and this is found in the lower abdomen, between our belly button and pelvic bone. This chakra is the center of our emotions and governs pleasure, creativity, and feelings. 

The sacral chakra’s color is orange and its element is water. 

It is super important for this chakra to be engaged and open, however, sometimes we will suffer from blockage or an overactive second chakra. 

Why Use Sacral Chakra Stones?

Sacral Chakra Stones

An imbalance such as an underactive sacral chakra, or overactive sacral chakra can cause real issues for our own personal happiness and our relationships with others.

However, using sacral chakra stones will relieve this imbalance and help you become your true spiritual self!

There are so many different things that might cause an imbalance in your chakras and sometimes you cannot pinpoint where the imbalance came from. Life stresses are the main cause of chakra imbalance. 

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If your sacral chakra is not working in harmony within your body, your emotions and creativity will be affected. This can manifest in different ways, so it is important to know the signs of problems of your second chakra. 

If your sacral chakra is blocked, you might find yourself lacking creative inspiration.

This can be really hard on your mental health as creativity is so important for self-expression. 

Blockage of the second chakra also can make emotions hard to comprehend and communicate. Perhaps you can’t say exactly what you are thinking or feeling, and this is causing issues in your interpersonal relationships.

This can lead to detachment from the people who are close to you. 

Issues within your emotions can also affect your happiness as you might become unable to understand the emotions you are feeling. This can lead to depression and withdrawal from the things that make you happy. 

If your sacral chakra is blocked, your sexual life might be affected. There might be a loss of interest in sex. 

Your second chakra can also be overactive and can be just as problematic as a blocked second chakra. 

If your sacral chakra is overactive, you may suffer from heightened emotions. It can cause heightened reactions to things in the world and this can be really hard to deal with!

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Getting angry easily, or suddenly crying for no reason, or feeling incredibly anxious are all symptoms of an overactive sacral chakra.

This can lead to you withdrawing from the world and can really affect your happiness. 

If you are suffering from an unhealthy relationship with sex, your second chakra might be overactive. Only you will know what this means, and a healthy sexual life means different things for everyone!

However, being safe and comfortable in regards to sex is the most important thing.

If your sex life lacks these things, you are at risk of harming yourself or others and need to address these issues as soon as you can!

Problems with your sacral chakra can lead to so many issues in your life.

An imbalance of your second chakra has so many detrimental effects, so working towards a healthy and open chakra is a must! 

Using stones to bring order and openness to your chakras is probably the easiest way to create harmony. 

Chakras and stones are inextricably linked and have been for centuries. The power of stones has huge effects on our chakras and different crystals have effects on different chakras

This is because of the vibrations of the stones and how they interact with our chakras.

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Everything in the world is made up of vibrations and energy, and harnessing the power of stones can be amazing for your personal health and happiness. 

7 Most Powerful Sacral Chakra Stones 

Now we know the importance of the second chakra and the things to look out for in regards to an imbalance, let’s go through the 7 most powerful sacral chakra stones that will heal and balance your second chakra! 

Because orange is the color of this chakra, most of the stones listed are orange. This is because using this color makes it easier for us to engage with our second chakra. 

1. Tigers Eye

Tigers Eye

The tiger’s eye crystal (not to be confused with Tigers Iron) is an all-around great sacral chakra stone to have. It allows us to stay grounded and at peace and brings good luck to those wearing it. 

It is known to stabilize emotions and…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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