Oracle Card Reading February 20 – 26, 2022

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Balance

Nowadays, there are so many daily life stressors that we cannot avoid imbalances. Up and down…up and down. Isn’t this how we feel most of the time? If you’ve been called by this card, you are probably struggling to find a good balance in your life. The secret is to seek balance within yourself first! Allow time for self-care by practicing self-Reiki, daily journaling, meditation, and anything that cultivates a harmonious you.

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2. Alignment

Not feeling like yourself? Do you feel out of balance? Do you feel something’s missing? Or maybe you lack purpose in your life? Then you need to align yourself with your true desires, your Higher Self, and through it, with the Universe, the Source itself. Aligning is the key to everything you want to achieve in life. This card invites you to access and manifest your greatest potential through alignment with your Higher Self.

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3. Patience

Patience is a superhero virtue and can be considered a lifelong spiritual practice towards emotional freedom. This card invites you to expand your patience skills towards yourself, others, and life itself. Let go of things outside of your control, and your stress and anxiety will diminish considerably. Cultivate peace of mind every time impatience steps in and have faith in your inner truth.

See also  5 Morning Rituals that can Make Your Life Better!

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Reiki blessings!

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