How to turn off autopilot and shift your thought patterns — Follow Your Own Rhythm

Here’s a guideline on how to turn off autopilot and shift your mindset:

STEP 1: Make a decision

Make a decision to turn off autopilot, start thinking for yourself, and have your thoughts work FOR you.  The first step is always setting the intention for what you want to happen, which in this case is to not let your thoughts control you. 

STEP 2: Become aware. 

Question your current belief system, pay attention to how you respond to your changing environment, and notice how you react to people’s differences.  

This step is mainly about bringing awareness to what you do and think, and how you go about doing that.  Just pay attention without being critical or judgmental.  Just simply observe your patterns and maybe even write them down in a notebook.

STEP 3: Identify if it’s based in fear or love

Identify whether your responses and patterns come from a place of fear, judgment, distrust, disconnection, and hatred, or from a place of love, compassion, understanding, acceptance, trust, and gratitude.

STEP 4:  Shift your thought patterns

When you notice that your responses and patterns are coming from a negative place, challenge yourself to think about the situation or person differently.  

Interrupt the pattern of negative thinking by putting a more positive and loving twist on the situation as if you were giving it the benefit of the doubt. 

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An easy way of doing this is to point out something that you appreciate about that situation or to see it compared to a worse situation.  

For example, if it starts raining during your vacation and you immediately respond with frustration and anger, you can reframe by saying “I’m thankful that at least it’s warm” or “it could be worse, it could be cold” or “at least we had some sun in the morning,” or “at least there’s no drought and the plants are happy,” or just simply accept life and say “rain happens and it will pass and everything will be ok.” 

There are many options for reframing to a more positive perspective, you just have to get creative and really open your heart and mind.  

In my online course, Step Into Your Truth, I teach you powerful tools for shifting your mindset to align with what you truly want.  

STEP 5: Repeat every time negativity creeps in

Do this every time you catch yourself being negative, and build a new thinking pattern that serves you, not limits you, and eventually, your reality will shift. 

Be patient as the changes unfold and always trust in the process

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