25 Easy Ways to Raise Your Vibration Fast

Raise your vibration – it’s one of the secrets to making the Law of Attraction work.

When you raise your energy and your vibration, you shift to a higher frequency. This brings new possibilities to you, new realities that you may not have experienced before. The more you increase your vibration, the more you become aware of heart energy, the more you align with the energy of Source, and the closer you become to fulfilling your desires.

The faster you raise your vibration, the faster you are able to manifest.

The amount of time it takes you to get from where you are to where you want to be, is only the amount of time it takes you to change the vibration within you. Instant manifestation could be yours if you could instantly change the vibration. – Abraham-Hicks

How to Raise Your Energy and Vibration to Manifest Faster

You don’t need to take a big action to increase your vibration. The simplest things work.

Here are 25 easy ways you can start increasing your vibration today.

1. Watch a Mind Movie. Mind Movies are like a digital vision board filled with uplifting images, positive affirmations, high-vibrational music and super-charged subliminal audio tracks of what you want to create in your reality. Just watching one for a few minutes a day will raise your vibration so you can manifest your goals and desires into your life quickly and easily.

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You can grab 6 free Mind Movies here just for watching the FREE interview with Natalie Ledwell and Bob Proctor on raising your vibration, being successful, and the #1 secret to manifesting. These free Mind Movies are designed to specifically cover the most important areas in your life!

2. State out loud one thing you are grateful for. Gratitude offers a great way to feel happier and raise your vibration daily.

gratitude can raise your vibration

3. Read inspiring quotes. Quotes are a great reminder of not only how the Law of Attraction works, but to appreciate the important things in life. They can help you feel better, make you smile, make you laugh… Here are 70 quotes to raise your vibration.

4. Get creative. Switch from your right brain to your left brain by creating something. Paint. Draw. Sculpt. Have fun with an adult coloring book.

5. Take a deep breath. The extra oxygen will energize you, calm you and help you connect to Universal energy.

6. Smile. Smiling uses fewer muscles than frowning, and naturally raises your vibration. It has a positive effect on your mood and lowers your stress level.

7. Tell someone how much you appreciate them.

appreciate someone to increase your vibration

8. Watch a funny movie or TV show. They’re a great way to inject humor into your life. The more you laugh and enjoy yourself, the more you’ll find your vibration raising.

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9. Hug someone. Hugs get oxytocin flowing in your body. They calm your nervous system, lower your stress levels, boost your immune system, improve your heart health and make you feel better. Hug your spouse, your children, your friends, your family members, your pets…

10. Spend time in nature. A visit to a park or a walk in nature positively affects your braining, raising your vibration.

11. Listen to music you love. Music quickly shifts your vibrational frequency to a higher level. You can even find artists who have created music specifically designed to raise your vibration like Francine Jarry and Rikka Zimmerman.

Read My Guide to Using Music to Raise Your Vibration

12. Change your DNA. Did you know that your DNA has a vibrational frequency? Music recorded at 528 hz has been shown to resonate with the energy of love, peace and health. It is said to be the sound that resonates at the heart of creation. John Lennon used it when he recorded his song Imagine. John Hutchinson successfully used it in 2010 to reduce oil and grease in water following the BP oil spill.

13. Have a dance party. Even a dance party for one releases natural endorphins that lift your mood and vibration. Put on some music and get funky!

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dance raises energy

14. Drink vibrationally charged water. Dr. Masaru Emoto showed us that water takes on the energetic frequencies of our thoughts and words, thus affecting the environment and our personal health. You can change the frequency of the water you drink by putting messages underneath it. For example, you can shift your water to the frequency of love, by writing the word love on a piece of paper and placing the paper under your glass of water. The crystalline structure of the water will change to match the frequency of love. When you drink the water, you will be drinking the vibrational frequency of love.

15. Find something beautiful and appreciate it. Beauty surrounds you, but how often do you stop and notice it? Take some time to appreciate the world around you.

16. Compliment a stranger. Saying something nice to someone without expecting anything in return shifts your vibration from “I want” to “I appreciate.” Being kind automatically raises your vibration.

compliments raise your vibration

17. Move. Get your blood pumping. Go for a walk. Do something to get your endorphins flowing.

18. Stretch.

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in applythelawofattraction.com. All the rights of content are owned by applythelawofattraction.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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