Oracle Card Reading June 27 – July 03, 2021

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Connection

It’s time to reconnect with your higher aspects and reclaim some of that universal legacy and knowledge. Pay attention to the magical power of synchronicities and the unexpected gifts sent to you by the Universe. Strengthen your communication with spiritual guides and cosmic ancestors. They are already here with you and you are probably already experiencing them as an inner knowing; a voice within.

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2. Beauty

See the beauty inside of you; accept it, embrace it, unveil it to others. This card suggests that you’ll greatly benefit from creating a sense of inner and outer beauty and harmony in your life. Is your heart aligned with your mind? Train yourself to notice the beauty of life with all its colors and different ways of manifestation. Be grateful for everything, for everything is a gift in disguise.

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3. Nothing

You are invited to take a break and take some time to do nothing. Yes, nothing! You heard it right! On some level, you’re always rushing, wanting to do more to speed up your inner and outer growth, being busy all the time and filling up every single spare second with something to do. In those moments, your creativity is expanding, searching for new possibilities to express yourself, to renew your energy and rewire your brain.

See also  Taurus Man Pisces Woman Compatibility - Mystic Compatibility

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Reiki blessings!

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