7 Remarkable Red Tigers Eye Metaphysical Meanings & Uses

Red Tigers Eye is a red-brown opaque stone with stripes or swirls of yellowy-brown. 

It is linked to the lower chakras and can be used to help with confidence, self-esteem, and empowerment.

A wonderful silicate stone with a great energetic vibration helping us to find motivation, energy, and passion.

A Red Tigers Eye stone will make a fabulous addition to your crystal collection. 

Having some very strong vibrations which resonate with the sacral, root, and solar plexus chakras, this deep reddish-brown mineral can help to rebalance in several ways as discussed below.

Red Tigers Eye Meanings


This stone is great for helping with confidence building, whether it be with an external issue or your own internal self-confidence. 

Helping to empower you in situations where you may lack knowledge or experience and feel a bit out of your depth, Red Tigers Eye will give you the feeling that you can walk tall and excel in everything you do.

It is particularly good for helping with public speaking, interview situations, and examinations. 

If you have this stone close to you it will keep you calm and give you the confidence to feel like you can do it, and do a great job of it.

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If you are someone who suffers from low self-esteem, Red Tigers Eye is definitely the stone you should keep close at all times.  

With its wonderful vibrational energy strongly resonating with both the root and solar plexus chakras, it can help to ground and balance you, dispelling those feelings of low self-worth, and guide you to better self-belief and self-love.

This, in turn, can help to improve relationships of all types whether it be with family, friends, or your loved one. 

It can also make you aware of the importance of your own needs as well as others, and guide you to see your own natural beauty – both inside and out.

The Red Tigers Eye is a very useful stone if you suffer from negative thoughts and feelings about yourself. 

It can help you deal with anger issues, and will help you to dispel feelings of paranoia and inferiority as is a great leveler of emotions. 

The closeness of this stone will help you to feel calm, happy, and content within your own skin. 


Red Tigers Eye Bringing Woman Motivation

When motivation levels are low, Red Tigers Eye can help to get you fired-up once again.

If faced with performing a dreaded task within the workplace that isn’t particularly inspiring, this stone can help you to tackle it head-on, do what is required, and get it over and done with as soon as possible, making sure you do a good job in the process.

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It is also great for other forms of motivation, especially with things like exercise, catching up with old friends that you’ve been delaying as well as those overdue DIY projects that you haven’t been able to face starting. 

Just slip this deep red beauty in your pocket and you will soon feel you can tackle even the most mundane and boring task with renewed vigor, and procrastinate no more!


If you are feeling tired and sluggish, Red Tigers Eye is a must as it has extremely energizing properties. 

It is great for raising our vibrations to a higher frequency, leaving us feeling revitalized and ready for anything.  

Keep this stone close if you are prone to feeling lethargic and tired. 

It will help you to shake off that fatigued, lazy feeling and tackle life with new-found energy and enthusiasm.


As the Red Tigers Eye is connected to the sacral chakra, it can help to bring passion into your life as well as enhancing sexual awareness. 

As the stone of sexual stimulation, it can help to awaken and improve both emotional and spiritual sexuality in a deeply sensual and intimate way. 

It can also help you find or enhance those special sexual connections in life. 

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Red Tigers eye is also very useful in helping to address any deep-rooted sexual issues you may have, giving you the courage to address them and finally heal them to set you free.

Red Tigers Eye Uses

Chakra Healing

Red Tigers Eye is great to work with balancing your lower chakras.  

The red in the stone has a vibrational resonance linked to the root (1st) chakra. 

As this is the chakra related to grounding, survival, and security this stone can be used to make one feel more secure in life and about themselves.  

The orange hues in this stone will resonate with the sacral (2nd) chakra. 

This chakra is related to sexuality, intimacy, and emotions. 

Using this stone to heal your sacral chakra can have fantastically positive effects on sexual relationships, bringing about a deeper sense of intimacy and feelings on a…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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