Sacral Charka Stones: 8 Crystals for Enjoyment, Creativity & Emotional

INSIDE: The sacral chakra is the energy center that controls our levels of passion, pleasure, and emotional strength. Balancing it with sacral chakra stones can make life much more enjoyable and fun.


The sacral chakra is the second energy center in the body. It is located about 2-3 inches below the belly button.

It manages the emotional body and serves as a barometer for our feelings and the level of enjoyment we experience.

As one of the lower chakras, it is connected to earthly pleasures and how we interact with the world around us. It is associated with the water element and the color orange.

Color – Orange

Element – Water

Main Functions – Passion, Pleasure, Emotions, Creativity, Enjoyment

Areas of the Body – Lymphatic System, Circulatory System, Reproductive Organs, Pelvic Area, Kidneys, Bladder, Large Intestines

What You Need to Know About the Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is the energy center that governs our feelings, which includes both our inner emotions and our outer sensations.

Our sexuality, sensuality, and pleasure are all tied to this chakra. This includes passion, fantasy, and enjoyment through the senses.

Intimacy and connection are also managed by the sacral chakra; therefore, it has a large impact on our relationships, our level of connection, and how we relate to the world.

Our creativity comes from this energy center. After all, it is located at the birth canal and is symbolically represented by it as well. It allows us to birth things into being, to create the life we want to live. As a result, fertility issues come from this energy center.

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The sacral chakra also determines our overall sense of well-being. It affects the level of control we have of the world around us and the choices we make. It plays a large role in our personal identity and our willingness for personal expansion.

Sacral Chakra Quote Image

What a Balanced Sacral Chakra Looks Like

When the sacral chakra is healthy and balanced, we will feel nurtured by the world around us. We’ll be experiencing pleasure and will find it easier to live in the present moment. Life will feel enjoyable.

We’ll find that our relationships are healthy and we’ll be financially and emotionally sound. It will feel like we can stand on our own two feet, experiencing the abundance and wonder of the world.

It’s much easier to be authentic when the sacral chakra is working optimally because our self-identity is able to be naturally expressed. We’ll take an extra interest in our hobbies and have a sense of fulfillment.

Going with the flow is easier, as is feeling empowered, creative, and alive. We’ll recover easily from risks and bounce back more easily when things don’t go according to plan.

We’ll be able to let go of our fears and enjoy our experiences, and we’ll find that we are using our skills to lead a life that expresses who we truly are.

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Sexual health and joy will come easily and we’ll benefit from overall wellness.

Chakra Healing Gemstones

What an Unbalanced Sacral Chakra Looks Like

When the sacral chakra is out of balance, we often struggle with our emotions. We might feel overly emotional or numb and depressed. We will often feel a disconnection from ourselves, our relationships, and/or the world around us.

We might find ourselves being dependent on others or experiencing addictions to alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, social media, shopping, or any other type of overindulgence.

Sexual imbalances can occur, such as sexual obsessions or having a low libido. We might have a negative body image or not understand how to express ourselves in what we wear.

Attachment issues and a fear of abandonment are common when the sacral chakra is off kilter. We might be afraid of losing control in a relationship or have a fear of losing physical objects or jobs, etc. 

We might feel stuck in controlling and abusive relationships. We could also become a bully or struggle with being bullied.

A lack of creativity, a loss of financial power, and losing our love for life is also common.

Physically, we might experience fertility issues, lower back pain, or problems related to the bladder or bowel.

Symptoms of a Blocked Sacral Chakra

As you’ve seen above, when there is a blockage in the sacral chakra, it can wreak havoc on our lives. Here’s a concise list of what might occur so that you will easily know when your sacral chakra needs rebalancing…

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Physical Symptoms

  • Infertility
  • Lower back pain
  • Hip issues
  • Arthritis
  • Low libido/sexual dysfunction
  • Urinary issues
  • Kidney issues
  • Issues during child labor
  • Constipation
  • Pelvic pain

Mental & Emotional Symptoms

  • Lack of confidence
  • Low motivation
  • Inability to connect with others
  • Lack of creativity
  • No desire to express ourselves
  • Fear
  • Depression
  • Emotional instability
  • Overwhelm
  • Addiction
  • Guilt
  • Need to control
  • Attachment issues

8 Chakra Stones

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