A Beginner’s Guide to Having a Spiritual Awakening | Aglow Lifestyle

Going through a spiritual awakening can be a confusing, lonely, and alienating experience.

You might feel like you’re losing your mind or that something is wrong with you.

The good news is that a spiritual awakening is actually a sign that you’re growing and evolving as a person.

And without pain, there would be no growth.

But, what exactly is a spiritual awakening, and how can you tell if you’re experiencing one?

What is a spiritual awakening?

A spiritual awakening is a process of transformation, where you experience a shift in consciousness.

This shift can be gradual or sudden, and it can happen at any point in your life.

It’s often described as a feeling of “coming home” or “remembering who you really are.”

When you go through a spiritual awakening, it’s a time when you become aware of your true nature and purpose in life.

You begin to see the world around you in a new light, and you start to question your beliefs and values.

You might begin to ask questions like, “Who am I really?” and “What is the point of life?”

This can be a confusing and frightening experience, as you no longer feel like you fit in with the world around you.

But, it’s also a time of great growth and potential.

As you become more aware of yourself and the world around you, you can start making changes in your life aligned with your true purpose.

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What triggers a spiritual awakening?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as everyone’s journey is unique.

However, there are some common triggers that can lead to a spiritual awakening, such as:

  • A life-changing event, such as the death of a loved one, a divorce, or a job loss.
  • A near-death experience.
  • Meditation or prayer.
  • Exposure to new ideas or spiritual teachings.
  • Deep inner work.
  • A psychedelics experience.

4 stages of a spiritual awakening

Spiritual awakenings dont just happen at once.

They come in stages, and each stage has different challenges and lessons.

Altogether, there are 7 stages to having a spiritual awakening, which you can learn more about in our article.

1. Ignorance 

The first stage of a spiritual awakening is ignorance.

In this stage, you’re completely unaware of your true nature and the potential that exists within you.

You’re living life on autopilot, going through the motions without any real purpose or direction.

2. Seeking 

The second stage is seeking.

Here you start to become aware of the disconnection that exists between you and the world around you.

You might start to feel lost, confused, or like something is missing from your life.

This can lead you to seek answers to the big questions in life, such as “Who am I?” and “What is the point of life?”

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3. Awakening 

The third stage is awakening.

This is when you start to remember who you really are and your true purpose.

You might have sudden realizations or insights, and you begin to see the world in a new light.

You might also start to feel a connection to something larger than yourself, developing a sense of peace and contentment.

4. Integration 

The fourth stage is integration.

You start to integrate your new insights and understandings into your everyday life in this stage.

You begin to live your life with purpose and meaning, and you find ways to connect with others who are also on a spiritual journey.

How to invite a spiritual awakening into your life

1. Be open to change

The first step is to be open to change.

If you’re not open to the idea of change, then a spiritual awakening is unlikely to occur.

You need to be open to the idea of letting go of your old beliefs and ways of thinking.

When you’re open to change, you create the space for new opportunities to come into your life.

This isn’t always easy because change can be scary, but, if you’re willing to take the leap, the rewards can be great.

2. Be curious

Curiosity is another key ingredient for a spiritual awakening.

When you’re curious, you’re willing to explore new ideas and possibilities; you’re not afraid to question your beliefs, and you’re not likely to shy away from new experiences.

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If you want to invite a spiritual awakening into your life, be curious and explore.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions and to dive deep into the things that interest you.

3. Learn to let go

We’re all holding onto something—whether it’s a grudge, a hurtful memory, or resentment.

And, while it’s natural to want to hold onto these things, it’s also preventing us from moving forward.

In order to invite a spiritual awakening into your life, you need to learn to let go.

This doesn’t mean that you forget about the hurtful things that have happened to you, but it does mean that you let go of the anger and resentment you’re holding onto.

It also means that you’re willing to forgive others and yourself.

4. Declutter

A clear living space often equals a clear mind.

When your living space is cluttered, it can be difficult to focus and to relax.

This is why decluttering can be a helpful…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in aglowlifestyle.com. All the rights of content are owned by aglowlifestyle.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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