How To Unblock Third Eye Chakra?

The third eye chakra, also known as the “Brow Chakra”, is the 6th energy center from the bottom, located in the middle of your head, between the eyebrows. Healthy third eye chakra vibrates to the color of indigo or royal blue, with light as its dominant element.

Third eye chakra controls your ability to perceive, think creatively, and use your intuition. It also governs your self-awareness, self-realization, imagination, and ability to envision all of your dreams.

Healing and awakening your third eye chakra offers many exciting gifts, such as the ability to manifest material things with the thought alone or better potential for astral projection and lucid dreaming.

Unblocking your third eye chakra will allow you to discover the reality which lies beyond the physical world and past the realm of your five senses.

Healing and opening the third eye chakra is a beautiful process, as it allows you to finally take full command of your reality and clarify your inner vision

Eventually, you will be able to manifest anything you desire into your life easily and effortlessly by using the power of your mind and becoming a visionary. 

In this article, we are going to have a look at some of the tools and techniques you can use to unblock and open your third eye chakra.

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Third Eye Chakra Symbol and Meaning


1. Third Eye Chakra Meditation

Meditation is probably one of the best ways of awakening your third eye chakra as it helps to create better coherence between both of your brain hemispheres. Meditation, when done correctly, will give your thinking mind a break and shift your brainwaves from beta to alpha state.

As a result, you will begin to think for yourself, trust your intuition with more certainty and look for answers to your problems within yourself. When you commit to regular meditation practice of your choice, you will be more connected to your inner guidance system and discover your deepest wisdom. 

There are many meditation techniques I personally tried. However, in this article, I am going to give you only 1, which is super simple and very powerful for opening your third eyeThis method is known as concentration mediation, and it is described in Osho’s “The Secret of The Golden Flower” book.

Here’s how to do it, according to Master Lu-tsu teaching:

Sit down (or lay down) quietly in any comfortable position of your choice, and for 15 minutes, concentrate all of your awareness on your third eye center (the area between your eyebrows).

You can do it with your eyes closed or open, whichever way works better for you. You can visualize a third eye chakra lotus symbol, a sphere of indigo light, or simply focus on the space itself. To see the results of this practice, you have to commit to 15 minutes of daily practice.

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Open Your Third Eye With Meditation

Why is this simple meditation so powerful for the third eye?

The Taoists believe that when your attention flows outward, you are always spending your energy, and as a result, you become more and more empty inside.

When you focus all of your attention and awareness on your third eye center, all of your consciousness is flowing inward, and you can move the energy (light) in a circle.

The light is supposed to flow in both directions at the same time so that you don’t become depleted and turn into a ‘black hole’. 

2. Open Your Third Eye With Breathing

There are many different types of breathing techniques described in more detail on this blog (you can check them out in my Heart Chakra Healing Guide article).

Certain breathing techniques are beneficial for all of the higher chakras because they assist with moving the kundalini (life force) energy from lower chakras to the upper ones. When it comes to the most useful breathing techniques for healing your third eye, these are my top recommendations: 

2a. Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodana) 

This purifying breathing technique works really well for your third eye chakra as it directly activates your Ida and Pingala (subtle energy channels which merge in your head). Alternate nostril breathing can be used to release trapped energy from your lower chakras and calm the mind. Nadi shodana will allow you to experience gentle, cooling sensations throughout your body. 

2b. Breath of Fire (Kapalabhati Pranayama)

This is a powerful, detoxifying breathing technique, which involves a series of short and powerful nose inhales (exhale is passive). Breath of fire is very often performed during kundalini yoga exercises. It will increase the blood flow to your head, detoxify the body, and bring more clarity to your mind.

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2c. DMT Activating Breathing Techniques 

These methods are sometimes performed during kundalini yoga exercises or extended breathing sessions, where you combine hyperventilation techniques with breath retention techniques

One of the most popular DMT-type of breathing techniques nowadays is the Wim Hof breathing method

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