9 Different Stages Of a Soulmate Relationship Explained

Finding your soulmate is a fantastic experience. But, did you know there are several different stages of a soulmate relationship?

In this article, I want to go through the soulmate journey, examining each stage in detail. 

Of course, every soulmate relationship is different. However, many soulmate couples actually go on a very similar journey!

Read on to find out if you and your partner are on this journey together. 

What is a Soulmate Relationship?

Soulmate couple sharing a romantic moment

Firstly, let’s just clarify what a soulmate relationship is.

A soulmate relationship is a deep connection and understanding with someone.

Both partners are completely equal in the relationship, and they offer each other a huge amount of respect and cooperation. 

In a soulmate relationship, things just fall into place.

None of the partners will hide who they are. They will know each other deeply, from their dreams to their bad habits.

Because they know each other so well, they totally accept one another. 

A soulmate relationship is an amazing gift, and it allows both people in the relationship to grow and thrive. 

9 Different Stages of a Soulmate Relationship

Now, let’s go through the different soulmate relationship stages. 

#1. Initial Attraction

The first stage in the soulmate journey is the initial attraction. You meet your soulmate and there is an inexplicable and undeniable bond.

This stage is super exciting, as you just can’t wait to get to know them!

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You will hit it off immediately, discovering things in common.

You will have so much to talk about with them.

There is a whole load of chemistry at this stage, and you can’t really get your head around it.

You may even wonder what is it about this person that makes you so attracted to them?

#2. Acceptance of the Connection

Soulmate couple holding hands in a sunflower field

The first two weeks or so of a soulmate relationship can be a bit rocky.

This is because one or both of you may be a bit worried about the connection you are feeling!

It can be super bizarre to meet someone and feel so much straight away. 

The strong chemistry and attraction can feel pretty intense!

Neither of you wants to get hurt, so you might dig your heels in at first. 

However, you will soon accept the connection you have with your soulmate.

Despite the worries and concerns, you will realize that you can’t ignore the attraction that is there. 

You will soon begin to date and spend more and more time together. 

#3. The Whirlwind 

The third stage of a soulmate’s journey is the whirlwind romance.

This is an incredible time for both people involved, as they start to learn so much about each other. 

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The relationship is moving fast, and you can’t get them out of your head.

You may be dreaming of living with them, marrying them, having their children… despite only knowing them for a month! 

All the initial concerns about the attraction have disappeared, and you are having fun with your special person.

You want to be with them all the time and wonder if you have ever felt this way about someone before.

#4. Uncertainty and Fear

After a while of spending a lot of time with each other and falling in love, one or both of you will start to be a bit scared. 

It is true that you have never felt this way about someone before, and this may become pretty intense.

You begin to miss who you were before this person, as you worry that this connection has changed you. 

A soulmate relationship is super intense, and this causes fear and uncertainty.

There is the worry that the other person is not feeling the same way, and there is a concern that they might leave you. 

You may question what is actually going on.

Is it a one-sided relationship? Is your soulmate really being truthful?

Do they mean all the lovely things they say to you?

#5. Distancing 

Stage 5 of the Soulmate relationship stages

The uncertainty and fear of the fifth step of a soulmate journey cause one or both of the people involved to start distancing themselves. 

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This step can manifest in a range of different ways. It can be as simple as not answering calls.

Someone in the relationship may begin to say they are too busy to meet up, not giving any reason for the rejection.

This is because they fear losing the person, but also fear the intensity of the relationship. 

Or, someone in the soulmate relationship might try to sabotage it. This can be a really horrible thing to experience!

You or your soulmate may begin to cross boundaries and cause issues when there is no reason for them. 

This behavior is based on fear, but you should always speak up if your partner is behaving unfairly.

Also, if your partner is saying mean things and bullying, then they are definitely not your soulmate!

Unfortunately, most soulmate relationships will go through this stage at one time or another.

It may not…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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