Oracle Card Reading June 12 – 18, 2022

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Alignment

Clear out what no longer serves you and make room for what does. Focus on working with your energy centers and align your chakras using Reiki. You can also use guided meditation for chakra alignment.

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2. Creator

Your path is unique and imprinted with your own soul essence, so looking outside for guidance will only create more confusion. Let go of that paralyzing fear of what others might say or think and fully assume your path! Move ahead and start creating! Be courageous, be brave and be authentic. Let your heart and mind co-create and also let the world see and enjoy your inner genius.

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3. Patience

It might be time to look inwards and contemplate how impatience has influenced your life – it can be frustration, aggressiveness, dissatisfaction, procrastination, confusion, giving up too easily, inability to trust life or to trust your own process. Ask yourself what it means to be patient with yourself, others, and life itself. See patience as a form of compassion. Let go of things outside of your control, and your stress and anxiety will diminish considerably.

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Reiki blessings!

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