The Hidden Symbolism Of Water: 9 Symbolic Meanings

Water is one of the most essential elements to human life. It is also one of the most abundant and ubiquitous substances on Earth. But did you know that water also has a lot of hidden symbolism? In this article, well explore 9 different ways that water can be symbolic.

Lets get into it!

The 9 Symbolic Meanings Of Water

There are many hidden symbolisms of water. Below we discuss some of the key symbolic meanings of water. Many of these deeper aspects of water mentioned are often interconnected as you will soon realize as you read and contemplate this article.

Symbolic Meaning #1. Adaptability

Water is a symbol of adaptability, this element is easily able to adjust to changing conditions.

It is no secret that water can exist in various states, with simple changes in stimuli water adapts to serve a new purpose.

Water can flow, freeze, dissolve or evaporate accordingly.

When we contemplate the way that water functions, it uncovers that water as an element and symbol offering an energy that is adaptable.

Symbolic Meaning #2. Non-Resistance

As mentioned above water often goes through many changes in state and function.

These processes happen quite easily with small changes in stimulus.

This points to another symbolic meaning of water which is that of non-resistance.

This is the element of flow. It does now resist the flow of the land or the cold of the freezer; it changes and moves with ease and grace.

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Symbolic Meaning #3. Power

As we already discussed the non-resistant nature of water, it does not mean water lacks the power to effect powerful changes.

In its flowing movement, even hard rock can be naturally and gently sculpted by this element.

A movement of the earth can move water to form waves that flatten anything in its path.

Beyond being physically powerful, water can also be an emotionally and spiritually powerful element.

Especially when we learn more about how water works on a molecular level and how it is impacted by our emotions.

The spiritual potency of water becomes clear. We will cover this concept and research in more detail under the next heading within this article.

Symbolic Meaning #4. Cleansing

Image of water symbolism of cleansing

Another symbolic meaning of water is that of this element being cleansing or purifying. This is true on a physical level and beyond.

Water is considered to be a solvent as it can easily dissolve many substances.

Water has been used for spiritual or energetic cleansing and purification in so many cultures and religions.

We can observe this when we look at ritual ablutions such as baptisms, wudhu, or bathing in the Ganges

We can take a moment to consider deeply, the feeling that we get after a good swim in the ocean, a natural body of water, or even after a shower bath.

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For me, the feeling often transcends just a physical cleansing but something much deeper.

It can feel almost like a fresh start after you immerse yourself in water (this can even be used intentionally as a practice).

Symbolic Meaning #5. Fertility

Water is essential for the beginning of life and the sustenance of life. We are formed for the first 9 months of our life inside the water like fluid of the womb.

The first fluid that we drink is our mothers milk which contains water, and we will need to drink water every day in order to stay alive.

We eat foods that need water to grow. The seeds of the plants that we eat and breathe need water to awaken and more water to continue growing.

When we remember this, it is clear that water is symbolic of fertility and growth.

The presence of water indicates that humans and the earth are fertile and that we can continue to grow.

Symbolic Meaning #6. Feminine energy

This is interlinked with the contemplations in the above point. Water can also be symbolic of feminine energy.

As females hold water in our womb to grow children.

Similarly to the role of water in life, females also tend to the basic nourishment of ourselves, those around us, and the earth.

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Water is also symbolic of feminine energy because of its flow, its graceful and powerful nature, which is synonymous with aligned feminine energy.

Both females and water are cyclical in nature.

We naturally go through various states in a cycle, and each state serves a particular purpose.

The movement of water is also known to be affected by the waxing and waning of the moon, and so are our feminine cycles.

Symbolic Meaning #7. Cyclical

In many ways, water is symbolic of the cyclical nature of life. As mentioned above, water is deeply linked to the feminine cycles such as menstruation and fertility.

There are other natural cycles, such as growth, decomposition, and life-death-life cycles.

Water can be parallel to many of the natural cycles and often plays a fundamental role in the processes that form these cycles.

Water goes through different states and is cycled through the ecosystem in various states.

For example, water evaporates to form clouds, which fall as rain to the earth, and this…


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