What To Do When Your Soulmate Dies: A Heart Healing Guide

Losing a soulmate is incredibly difficult, as your souls have been connected throughout many lifetimes.

One could even say you chose to journey together in this life. This is especially true for close friendship, kindred spirits, and platonic, family, and romantic soulmate bonds.

So how do you get over losing a soulmate… What do you do when your soulmate dies?!

This article aims to cover these significant questions.

How To Get Over Losing Your Soulmate

Woman wanted to know how to get over losing a Soulmate

Firstly, you never really get over losing a soulmate. The memory always stays with you, but there are certain things you can do to help the process.

1. Work with essential oils and flower essences

Aromatherapy, flower essences, aromatherapy massages, and steam inhalations are some incredibly soul-soothing methods for peace when your soulmate dies.

Healing takes place in the emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual realms, so you are bound to benefit from these techniques in some way.

Nature is a powerful healer. Soothe and bring serenity to your nerves and emotions through the beautiful healing powers of nature.

You can even call on elemental and fairy or plant spirits to assist you. Stay connected to your higher self and source of power.

This is where true magic, synchronicity, and self-alignment occur…

As we´re all interconnected- and soul is eternal and infinite- anything you do to keep your vibration high and grounded will help your deceased soulmate.

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Project loving and positive mantras and affirmations of “oneness” as you work on your own healing.

2. Receive sound therapy

Sound healing is an amazing way to achieve wholeness and inner harmony.

As you will be wanting to assist your passed-over soulmate, it is essential that you engage in ways to heal yourself.

Sound raises your vibrations, increases inner strength, brings clarity and insight to the mental and emotional planes, and allows you to heal spiritually.

Sound is so powerful it can make objects levitate. You can find more about acoustic levitation here.

So, using sound to heal yourself can recharge your cells in a way that allows you to feel your pain and sadness, and also let it flow in order to be released.

3. Visit a Reiki or Shamanic healer/practitioner

Seeing a powerful and qualified and/or experienced Reiki master, shamanic healer, or energy worker is highly recommended.

Actually, one might say it’s what Spirit ordered.

There is a Divine Essence to everything, and not everything can be seen with the physical eyes.

Receiving healing and divine insight & wisdom from a healer will expand your senses.

It can open your Third Eye to the world of subtle and invisible energy.

This then allows you to be receptive to the wonders of Spirit, which is where deeper connection can be found.

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Obviously, it’s what heals you too.

Reiki and shamanic healing or energy cleanse can instill calmness inside you.

They allow you to release sadness and tears in a healthy, soul-nourishing, and blissful way. For example, you could see pearls of wisdom within your own tears!

Or you can become self-aware of the infinite and expansive nature of the human soul, and the universe.

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4. Send Light & Healing To Their Soul

Knowing what to do when a soulmate dies

One of the most powerful things you should do is send light and healing to their soul.

Upon hearing the news of your soulmate’s death, immediately (or at the next best possible chance) sit down in prayer.

Meditation, prayer, and intentionally sending love to their soul is very important.

This not only helps them transition to their next life, or return to Source if this is part of their unique soul print (Soul´s blueprint). But it also allows you to bond and maintains the connection with them.

There is no set-in-stone guide or answer to how long a soul remains connected to its body or the earth plane after death.

This is because the nature of the universe- and therefore the soul- is infinite, limitless, and eternal.

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There are also different avenues to reincarnation, all depending on the specific soul´s unique journey. For example:-

  • An ascended master or highly evolved soul might leave their body and earth plane instantly, returning straight back to the Source. Alternatively, it may be part of their soul contract to remain on earth for a few days to help or visit a few significant souls.
  • A less evolved soul may struggle to leave the material and physical world behind. They have not yet reached a higher spiritual level, and therefore they are afraid of leaving.
  • Someone who has been on a very dualistic journey of light and dark, connected to both their inner angel and the inner devil might need to hold back for a little while…they may still have some karma and wrongdoings to clear up on the physical plane, before returning…


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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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