Feng Shui Your Bedroom in 2023 to atract money and love

How To Feng Shui Your Bedroom in 2023

In order to have a harmonious bedroom with a beneficial influence on other aspects of your life, you can use the following 10 Feng Shui principles.

In 2023, to counteract the influence of Feng Shui Bad Luck Star, place in your bedroom one or more of the following remedies:

10 Powerful Feng Shui Advices for Bedroom

1. The ideal choice for setting the bedroom is to pick the farthest room from the main entry door of the house. Subconsciously, this will induce a feeling of safety, stability, and protection.

The worst place for having the bedroom is next to the main door, however, we need to be realistic because sometimes there’s really not much of a choice. However, if you don’t have this option, take into consideration the other tips and make the most of the space you have.

2. Place a money tree plant in a corner of your bedroom to prevent the stagnation of energy in that very corner.

If you want to improve your relationship with your partner, choose pink and red – these colors will contribute to your love life. Don’t forget that these colors can be used only as minimal accents; strong colors as red, orange, or yellow are mostly associated with Yang and can be too stimulating for the bedroom.

3. If you are not involved in a relationship, but you wish to be, you can decorate your bedroom as if you were already involved in a relationship.

Place nightstands and lamps on both sides of the bed. Use pairs of accessories and make sure everything is symmetrical.

If you don’t live by yourself, consider the bed as an altar of love by placing on the nightstand objects like a couple of pictures, a pair of candles, and a plant with round leaves. Don’t forget to add a few pink or red accessories around the bed to encourage romance. And use the power of Mandarin ducks – the ultimate love symbol in Feng Shui.

Avoid at all costs sleeping with your feet towards the door. In the Chinese traditional culture, this is called the “death position” because the deceased are carried out with their feet facing the door

The Feng Shui practitioners consider that sleeping in this position can drain the vital life force. If you have no way of avoiding this, you should use a bed that has a feet board or a piece of furniture placed in from of the bed.

Leave enough space around the bed to facilitate the free flow of energy and so you can easily get out of bed.

Always use curved lines, nor corners, because the sharp corners of the bedroom furniture are considered “poisoned arrows” which direct the positive energy away from you, creating a restless atmosphere. To avoid this and to achieve a flowing effect, decorate the corners with fabric.

4. Clutter in your bedroom hinders the free flow of Chi. However, don’t try to solve this problem by hiding everything under the bed because this will only block the energy and will cause stagnation in your life.

2023 Feng Shui for more money – remedies and activators

Give some thought to the objects you keep in the bedroom and remove any elements related to work and all the things that have anything to do with past memories that would better be forgotten; for example, gifts from past relationships.

5. In order to achieve a warm and pleasant ambiance, paint the bedroom walls in neutral colors, like cream or peach; light blue, green, and lavender are colors that invoke healing energy. Also, check which are the lucky colors of the year and use shades of these colors to decorate your bedroom. Use similar colors for the furniture and the walls. Feng Shui doesn’t allow major contrasts in the color design. This unbalances the energies in the bedroom.

6. Remove objects like TV, fitness equipment and computer because they tend to absorb a lot of energy and they can distract you from getting rest or from having some romantic moments.

Few books placed on the nightstand can encourage Zen, however, if you have a bedroom full of bookcases that need to be read, they can also sidetrack you from getting rest. If you really want to have these elements in your bedroom, the best idea is to use a screen to hide them while you sleep.

7. Place the bed as far as possible from the door and avoid a straight line position with it. Don’t place it under a window because it would lack the symbolical protection of a solid wall and it might cause a tormented sleep, due to the energy that flows in and out of the window. Invest in a headboard because it offers good support for the head.

Don’t place the bed in the corner of the room, because is bad feng shui. To obtain the best bed positioning for wealth, in feng shui, we follow the concept of command position. You would like your bed to be positioned so that when you lie in bed, you can actually view the bedroom entrance. Still, you don’t want to be in straight alignment with the door either. A really simple guideline is to set the bed...

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in thechinesezodiac.org. All the rights of content are owned by thechinesezodiac.org. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.
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