The Best Crystals to Carry with You Daily

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Whether you’ve used crystals for a while or you’re new to the world of healing crystals, you might be wondering why you should carry a crystal with you daily.

In general, carrying a crystal with you daily is a way to align and center your energy for a specific purpose. Crystals love to have a job (which is why it’s easy to program them!)

You can choose which crystal to wear or carry with you based on specific situations, to help you with something you’re working on (like being more positive or happy) or just to align and protect your energy.

crystals to carry with you daily

Some of the reasons for carrying crystals with you daily are:

  • To align your vibration to that of the crystal.
  • To protect you from negative energy.
  • To help you manifest something specific you’re working on.
  • To align or unblock your chakras.
  • To help you in specific situations, such as a negative work environment.
  • To help you attract love or a new partner, or increase self-love.
  • To attract abundance or good luck/good fortune.
  • For mental clarity or creativity.
  • To boost good communication.
  • To increase focus, willpower, or stamina.
  • To help with positive thinking or uplift your mood.
  • To use as a touchstone whenever you feel like you need to center your energy.
  • To ground your energy.
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The best crystals to carry with you daily are those that can soothe, protect, and increase your energy.

Plus any crystal that you have a connection with can be a good crystal to carry with you – regardless of whether it’s on this list or not!

And of course, you can also switch which crystal you wear or carry on a daily basis depending on your mood.

Trust your intuition!

For the purposes of this list, I chose crystals that have good vibes and gentle energy, or that can protect and ground your energy field.

Feel free to choose one from the list or choose your own!

The Best Crystals to Carry With You Daily (& Their Benefits & Meanings)

clear quartz

Clear Quartz

Uses: Mental clarity, setting specific intentions, aligning energy, and balancing all chakras.

Clear quartz is the master healer, bringing clarity and balance to all situations.

It amplifies the energy of other crystals and can be programmed to hold any intention!

Clear quartz can help you focus your energy on one desire or new goal and see the path to get there.

Clear quartz helps you become “crystal clear” in mind, body, and spirit.

It is the perfect crystal to use with meditation and manifestation, helping with insight and communication from the Divine.

hand holding a piece of black tourmaline

Black Tourmaline

Uses: clearing negative energy, protecting you from bad vibes, cleansing and grounding, or unblocking the root chakra.

See also  Green Quartz Healing Properties for Growth, Love & Detoxification

Black tourmaline is an energetic cleanser, helping you create a clean slate and start over!

It is grounding and protecting, helping remove negative energy and negative thinking.

It can enhance positive thinking and creativity, allowing you to leave the past behind and move forward.

Black tourmaline is a great stone to carry with you every day to protect your energy because it will help you stay optimistic without weighing you down too much.

lapis lazuli crystal

Lapis Lazuli

Uses: Boosts creativity, increases intuition, helps with problem-solving and critical thinking, makes it easier to access the higher realms, and balances upper chakras.

Lapis lazuli is a fun crystal to carry with you daily because it can help you clearly see your path in life.

It is known as the wisdom stone, allowing you access to your higher self, the angels, and the spirit realm.

You can see all of the ways you’re holding yourself back and access your inner truth and wisdom.

Lapis lazuli also helps with creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking, and sharpens memory.

tiger's eye crystal

Tiger’s Eye

Uses: Increases confidence and willpower, wards off negative energy, helps you take action towards your dreams, and unblocks the root chakra.

Tiger’s eye helps with strength, vitality, and confidence.

It has a long history of being worn as an amulet for protection to ward off negative energies and give warriors strength in battle.

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It can give you the willpower to overcome disappointments and discouragements.

It can also assist you in taking confident action towards your dreams and ambitions!

For more info about tiger’s eye, see this post: Tiger’s Eye Feng Shui: Meaning, Uses, & Where to Place it In Your Home

smoky quartz crystal

Smoky Quartz

Uses: Cleanses and protects energy, changes negative vibrations into positive vibrations, grounds and centers energy, and balances the root chakra.

Smoky quartz transmutes energy, changing negative energy into positive energy.

It combines the grounding properties of dark crystals with the clarity and amplification of clear quartz.

Smoky quartz is helpful in any environment where you feel confused or need protection from negative energy or negative thinking.

It removes the “smoke” so that you can see…

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