Traditional Japanese Healing Techniques to Support Healing Crisis

We are all familiar with having to cope and deal with healing crisis in the aftermath of a Reiki healing treatment. It is also not uncommon for clients to suffer from the detoxification reactions and symptoms when they begin a program of natural healing such as Reiki.

When we have accumulated energy blockages, these blockages release rapidly through our work with Reiki healing. As we release body-mind-spirit blockages our physical body needs to rebalance itself by letting go of the old energies that caused these blockages and have become toxic. Sometimes the release of these blockages and toxins is quite rapid which could be uncomfortable or even somewhat distressing. This is classically referred to as the healing crisis and occurs when the shift in energy as a result of Reiki healing (or any other method of energy/spiritual healing) triggers the body to expel toxins from the different systems of the body. The healing crisis is a normal process that most individuals will encounter at some level or another on their path to healing and getting well.

These energy blockages are stored in various ways in our energy systems and the ways in which we experience the release of these blockages and toxins can vary from person to person and from situation to situation. Not everyone will experience their healing crisis same way, and some may not even experience any form of a healing crisis. We may not experience a healing crisis every time after a healing treatment, the intensity and duration may vary, and the symptoms we suffer may differ.

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The most common symptoms of the healing crisis may include:

  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Diarrhea
  • Aches and soreness
  • Low-grade fever
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Nausea
  • Skin irritations
  • Stuffy nose
  • Congestion
  • Being emotional for no apparent reason
  • Low blood pressure

There are many well-documents ways in which to do self-care to alleviate a healing crisis which can, in my opinion, be summarized as… with awareness and gentleness, to do REAL self-care of body, mind and spirit.

Traditional Japanese Healing Techniques to Support Healing Crisis

There is, however, a traditional Japanese healing technique, Ketsueki Kokan-ho, that I have found highly beneficial in supporting the healing crisis. I use Ketsueki Kokan-ho at the end of all my healing treatments to support my clients by alleviating the intensity of any potential healing crisis with this technique. Ketsueki Kokan-ho was given to me as part of my Gendai Reiki-ho training and involves two techniques which purify the blood of negative energy and gradually replace the old blood with new blood by using Reiki energy. The two techniques and the way they are performed are:

Hanshin Koketsu-ho (Half Body Blood Cleansing)

For this technique, your client would need to be standing up straight (make sure you can reach their neck) or sitting up on a bed or backless chair, or laying on their stomach on your treatment bed.

  • Starting at the back of the neck, using your palms, sweep from the spinal column outwards to the left and…
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