Why Twin flames Feel Through Their Heart Chakra

Functions associated with the heart chakra are love for oneself and others, transformation and change, compassion, relationships, empathy, acceptance, and ability to feel pain. Understanding your heart chakra is highly essential for twin flames as it tells us about the divine connection. This chakra is also associated with the inner energy pull.

The heart chakra connects one twin to another; it is the reason why both twins can feel each other’s joy and pain. It is present in the centre of the chest near your heart and owns a wonderful light. All love matters occur due to the heart chakra. This chakra gets blocked when there’s an intense episode of abuse and betrayal.

Your heart chakra makes you feel the divine love from your twin flame; it comes through the chakra to reach you. Love will appear as a concentrated ray of energy that radiates your entire body.

Having a twin flame relationship doesn’t mean that there will be unconditional love only. There are times of despair as well. Stress and tension make it impossible for the love to reach you as heart chakra is blocked and you feel intense pain.

There are two kinds of twin flame stages: ascension and separation. During the Ascension process, there’s a connection of twins from their heart to your heart. This association strengthens the relationship and helps each other emotionally.

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Sharing Heart Energy could be a strenuous job as well. If one twin requires lots of energy, the other one may deplete by fulfilling those needs. The other stage is the separation that leads to immense pain in the heart and blocks its chakra.

When you feel depleted in giving lots of energy, there’s a need to replenish. It becomes a necessity to know what is happening inside you. It’s recommended that you get connected to your heart chakra daily and try to make it remain open, so energy flows equally and doesn’t drain you.

You only need to learn to control your chakra once, and when you fully gain the control, there’s no requirement of hours of meditation to open or close it. At a certain point, it becomes just a matter of pure intention, and within seconds, you could control your heart chakra.

As the twin flame relationship energy flows through heart chakra and then into you – strong chakra cleanse is recommended. Cleansing your chakra system will help your twin as well. It is often seen that twin flames come to open a closed heart chakra. This allows you to get connected with the world and to love a divine love.

The heart chakra is the governor of life, that’s why twin flames feel it through their heart chakra. When it is entirely open, it lets you enjoy all the happiness in the world. You feel pleasure and joy. The world seems accessible and beautiful.

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When you open your heart chakra and learn how to cleanse it correctly, your life quality improves, and you learn to live a happy life without the pain that is usually a part of a twin flame relationship.

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