7 Amazing Signs You’ve Found Your Twin Flame

There are different types of romantic relationships one can encounter during a lifetime.

From that life-altering first love that will always have a special place in your heart, to the best friend that becomes your lover unexpectedly, or the partner that makes you experience the bitter taste of betrayal for the first time.

Some relationships will last years, some will last a night, some will end in a peaceful and friendly manner, some will leave you torn apart.

But all these people have an important role to play in your life, they are all meant to teach you a lesson that will make you wiser and bring you closer to your divine purpose.

People always had the tendency to believe that they are meant to spend their lives with one person and one person only, which was meant to be their soulmate.

But at some point, we realized that from a spiritual point of view, there are more types of relationships, not only soulmates, and actually, the most meaningful one is the one you have with your Twin Flame love.

What is a Twin Flame Love?

couple representing what twin flame love could look like

The soul is the divine essence of any human being, that part of us that is made entirely out of pure light and love, and that is given to us in any reincarnation to guide us, to make aware of our divine purpose through the gift of intuition.

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Our soul speaks to us. When in doubt, always listen to your soul. But apparently, two or more human beings can share one soul.

Plato was the first one to talk about this in his mythic dialogue entitled, “The Symposium”, in which he said that human beings have two faces, four arms, and four legs.

Not pleased with the fact that humans had too much power, the Gods split them in half, thus resulting in the humans we see today.

Plato, therefore, says that every human being that is now on Earth has another half, with the same “essence”, as the face, arms, and legs he describes are metaphors for the human soul or essence.

Therefore, humans all have a twin soul, someone with whom they share the same soul.

The word “flame” was added to the syntagm “twin flame” due to the fact that in the astral plane, the soul is seen as a bright-burning flame.

It can also symbolize the “fire”, the uncanny and extremely powerful attraction that twin flames feel when they first encounter each other.

What everyone who has met their Twin realizes is that the twin flame connection is deeply spiritual.

It is felt very powerfully by any human, in the form of life-altering love that flips your world upside down, mirrors you and your deepest wounds in order to help you heal and give meaning to your life, helping you advance on your spiritual path.

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Twin flames are magnetically drawn to each other, and the connection between them seems to be unexplainable to everyone around, but the purpose of their union is to help each other grow spiritually,

…and eventually, reach the stage of spiritual illumination.

This relationship will be like no other, with ups and downs, moments of immense and powerful love followed by a painful break-up and periods of non-communication, but ultimately it will be the relationship that has helped you grow and evolve the most.

7 Undeniable Signs That You Have Met Your Twin Flame Love

Sign #1: When you first met, you felt a powerful, magnetic, and magical connection.

Maybe you even had the feeling that you’ve met them before, or that you have known them since forever, but you were instantly drawn to them, and the communication was natural and authentic as if you were talking to an old friend.

You also probably met them by accident, in a moment when you were definitely not looking for love and in a place where it seemed very unlikely to meet a potential partner, but you had that instant feeling that they are the one.

Sign #2: You share the same life purpose and spiritual path.

Because you come from the same soul family, you are most likely to have the same divine mission here on Earth.

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Therefore, you and your Twin Flame love might have similar careers, interests, and the same calling.

As the purpose of a Twin Flame is to help us grow spiritually, you might have a mission to do together, such as starting a business together, helping people while working as a team, or simply building something beautiful together.

Sign #3: You experienced a perfect connection from the very beginning.

Since the first day that you met your Twin Flame, you had this intense feeling of being safe around them.

You felt that you were able to talk to them the same way you would talk to your best friend, even though they were basically strangers.

You instinctively knew that you could trust them with anything, and they had an understanding and open attitude towards you since day one.

Sign #4: The romantic connection was more intense than anything you have ever experienced…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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