How to Raise Your Vibration Instantly

If you’re going to be a manifesting badass, you’re going to have to remember this:


You also need to learn how to raise your vibration instantly.


Vibration really is everything. Let me explain.

Vibration is he the rate at which energy moves.  

Everything is energy, moving at different rates.

You might have heard these rates being described as “frequency.”

Since energy is everything, and everything has its own rate of movement or vibration, then it makes sense that everything is vibration!

A bit of a word salad, I know, but stick with me, and I’ll let you know why this is super important.


How to Raise Vibration Instantly - attracting like a magnet

Understanding vibration matters, because things of like vibrations are attracted to each other.

You’ve heard that saying, “opposites attract?” Yeah, the truth is quite the opposite of that statement, actually.

For you to create the life you desire, you need to know how to raise vibration instantly.


Without exception. I’ll give you a real life example. The other day, I was listening to a friend of mine –  let’s call her Lisa. She was talking about how the recession was affecting her business.

I let her go on and on. I was trying to be sympathetic. I was trying to share her pain. And boy, did I get to share it alright.

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I lost a hundred dollar bill shortly after I left the coffee shop where we had hung out.

Moments later, I received a call from one of my employees, saying a client who was about to hire our firm had pulled out last minute.

Fast-forward to that evening, my brother was telling me he’d taken a cut in his pay at work. It was a lot of “lack” and “loss!”

I was started to spiral emotionally. I wasn’t liking this. My mind began to wonder, well, what else could go wrong today? At that point…


I had to take a moment.  I asked myself, well, what have I been putting out lately?

How have I been vibing? Immediately my mind went back to the conversation I had with Lisa – and that’s when it clicked.

I knew what I needed to do. I had to raise my vibration to where I wanted to be. Because I understand, that everything I see around me, I first saw inside me.


to raise your vibration, know what your vibration is.

You can tell what your vibration is anytime by how you feel!

Your emotions are an indicator, letting you know where your vibration is at.

If you’re feeling really great, then really great things have no choice but to come your way! But if you feel like crap, well then you can expect more crap!

Ever heard the expression “got out the wrong side of the bed this morning?” You wake up, and everything is just… Crappy?

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Well, you’d be doing yourself a favor if you took time out in the morning to put yourself in a high vibe.

Otherwise, guess what’s going to happen? You might start out stubbing your toe against the bed. And then it’s all downhill from there.

Here’s how to avoid that. Get high. No, not that kind of high.


There are so many ways to go about this. I’m going to list a few, and you can pick and choose which ones work for you!

1. Meditate

This one is a great way to start and end the day!

There are so many ways you can meditate, but I’ll keep it simple. Wear comfy clothing, sit in a comfy position, shut your eyes.

Take a deep luxurious breath. Allow your belly to get bigger.  Breathe in for three counts, hold for a couple, and then let it out for five.

Really, whatever suits you.

Don’t be so rigid on the count. Just note you should breathe out through your mouth, so keep your lips slightly parted.

Also, the out-breath will most likely be longer than the in.

Focus on your breath. If your mind wanders – and it will – gently return your attention to your breath.

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It gets easier each time. Do this for at least 5 to 10 minutes. Anytime you want to!

2. Music

Really, music is awesome. You ever hear a tune that instantly puts you in a happy mood, or a sad mood?

That is the power of music.

If you’re feeling in a funk, go ahead and hit play on your fave track. And while you’re at it you can dance too!

Have you seen anyone dancing and sad? If you have, shoot me a message. I’m curious.

❤️ See Also: High Vibration Music: What It Is [6 Types & 6 Uses]

3. Nature

What’s better than being high on life itself?!

Take a walk in the park. Go to a beach. It Doesn’t matter.

Something about being in nature is incredibly soothing. You can’t help but be in a high vibe if you stop and smell the roses.

4. Stop

Really. Just stop. In the middle of an argument? Stop. In the middle of beating yourself up?

Stop. Really. Stop, and get still.

Remember the stillness you feel when you practice…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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