Use Reiki to Cope with Change

Article by Patti Deschaine

Change is something that comes to us all. When it arrives, change can be positive and exciting and we are happy to be headed in a new direction. At other times it can be upsetting and hard to process, as in the case of sudden bad fortune or unexpected loss.

Ideally, change would be thoughtfully planned out and happen over time. This way we can map it out carefully and try to address every possible eventuality, but change can be unpredictable. It often takes us by surprising and rockets out of the blue, abruptly shaking us to our core.

One of the most challenging things about change is the uncertainty that accompanies it. It’s that feeling of not knowing that can paralyze us into indecision, making it seem impossible to move forward. We wonder about the next hour, the next day, the next week; how things will turn out and how we will handle it. We resist and we struggle. This complicates our situation further.

Whether change is desirable and expected or suddenly thrust upon us; positive and life-affirming or devastatingly unfair, we can find ways to move forward. It is our destiny to accept and embrace all that life offers. Through it all, there is Reiki and the world of energy.

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You may be wondering what Reiki has to do with accepting and processing life changes? The answer is everything! When life shifts to new and unknown experiences, Reiki is the constant that nourishes us and helps us to keep our balance. Sudden alterations in circumstances are naturally jolting to the system. Eating and sleeping patterns may change dramatically. Our emotions can become erratic and make us feel out of control. We may experience a full gamut of reactions, sometimes all in one day. Fear, anger, sadness, and instability can shake our foundation. Even with happy shifts can leave us feeling vulnerable and out of sorts. Time spent with Reiki soothes us, lessens our anxiety and supports our immune system. It helps us release the ideas and thoughts that no longer serve us. It clears stuck energy that impedes our progress.

Using Reiki to Cope With Change

During times of emotional upheaval, the last thing usually on our minds is our health. However, that’s when we need physical balance the most! We can opt to be vigilant in our choices to ensure that we eat healthy food and not rely on caffeine and sugar to get through the day. Proper fuel for the body provides us with the strength to navigate life changes in a steady way, minus the crashes caused by quick fixes like coffee and candy bars. We eat to nourish our body and give our mind vital support to stay strong, even if we have little or no appetite.

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Because change can wreak havoc with our sleep, mindful awareness to monitor our need for adequate rest is vital. A short nap can restore a sense of balance and well being. Meditation and self-healing fill the gaps left from a sleepless night.

During times of change, reach out for help if you need it. Counsel with trusted friends or loved ones will provide emotional…

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