Use Your Intuition to Manifest Miracles & Abundance | Astrology Answers

Imagine you check your horoscope to find that a certain transit, like a New Moon in Cancer or Neptune retrograde, will enhance your intuition. If you’re familiar with your intuition and proficient at working with it, you might be ecstatic!

But, if you’re like many others out there, you might be wondering just how you’re supposed to use that intuition, how to access it, and what to do once you have.

We are not taught from a young age how to work with our intuition alongside our reading and arithmetic lessons. Yet, we all possess a connection with our intuition, whether we know it or not.

Have you ever gotten a “gut feeling” about a certain situation, or understood something without anyone having to explain it to you? That feeling in your stomach, that inexplicable knowledge, is your intuition speaking to you – sending you messages from your infinite well of internal wisdom.

And when you’ve learned to listen to that internal wisdom, you can use it to guide you toward abundance, miracles, and more!

Keep reading if you want to learn everything you need to know about connecting to your intuition, learning to listen to its messages, and transforming that wisdom into the health, wealth, and happiness you’ve always wanted…

How to Listen to Your Intuition

Before you can use your intuition to begin manifesting your dream life, you’ll need to learn how to listen to it.

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You won’t have to try too hard to listen to your intuition because it’s always there, guiding you. In fact, what you’ll need to focus on is resisting the urge to stifle your intuitive voices.

Listening to your intuition is akin to meditation – the harder you try to suppress your thoughts, the more they flow. It is only when you surrender to your thoughts and allow them to pass that you reach a meditative state. All you have to do to “hear” your intuition is to surrender, to allow it to flow, and to stop ignoring it.

Your intuition is such a deep part of who you are that you couldn’t turn it off if you wanted to. Think of it as an inherent, intrinsic part of yourself – your sixth sense – because that’s exactly what it is.

What Does It Feel Like?

If you’ve ever asked someone for advice, there’s a good chance that you’ve been told to “go with your gut” once or twice. This is a form of following your intuition, and it accurately describes the feeling that you get when you do.

If you’ve ever felt a sense of excitement and an understanding that a situation was just right, you’ve felt the call of your intuition. If you’ve felt frightened in a certain location without any obvious reason why your intuition was likely guiding you out of a potentially dangerous situation.

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Did you know that there are astrological houses that rule intuition? Read next: The Intuitive Houses: How the 4th, 8th, & 12th Houses Affect You.

Sometimes you just get a feeling in your core, whether it’s excitement, trepidation, fear, or love – and that is simply your intuition trying to connect with your spirit, your heart, and your mind.

In fact, the Ancient Greeks believed that the stomach, or the core, acted as the heart; that is, our intuition and emotions generated from the gut. They believed that emotions resided in the stomach and that those feelings were crucial. They also believed that knowledge was better, purer, when “unsoiled by real-world interactions.”

In other words, they found more value in intuition than in scientific fact.

What Does It Smell Like?

Our sense of smell is closely linked to memory and emotion, so it stands to reason that it is also linked to our intuition. Only you can interpret a scent and how it connects to your intuition.

It may smell like your grandmother’s sweater, your best friend’s perfume, or your cat’s soft fur. If a familiar scent comes to you from out of nowhere, your psychic portal is open, buzzing, and trying to tell you something!

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What Does It Taste Like?

You’ve probably heard someone say, “it left a bad taste in my mouth,” when talking about a certain person or situation that gave off bad vibrations. If you find yourself with a proverbial bad taste in your mouth after a specific encounter, your intuition is trying to tell you to avoid this situation or individual in the future.

What Does It Look Like?

Your intuition may manifest in dreams or visions. If you wake up from a dream that caused an emotional reaction, try interpreting those dreams to see what message your intuitive center is trying to share with you.

If you’re talking to friend or doing your work and you suddenly see an image flash in your mind, pay attention to it. Whether it’s a vision or an image of a house, a car, a city, or a person, explore that image.

Your intuition is trying to tell you something.

9 Ways to Manifest Miracles With Your Intuition

These are simple steps that you can start taking right now to build a better relationship with your intuition. Practicing these steps will help you hear…

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