The Spiritual Significance of White Butterflies + Their Symbolism

The Universe communicates with us in so many amazing ways – through signs or symbols such as angel numbers, plants, songs, animals, feathers, and so much more. 

Butterflies are a wonderful way through which we can receive such messages, so in this article, I am going to focus on the meaning and symbolism of white butterflies. 

White butterflies are one of the signs you can see when you are in a high vibrational state, aligned with the Universe and with your higher purpose. 

Butterflies are a good omen in general, but if you see a white butterfly, it’s usually a sign that you’re on the right path. 

Also, it’s worth mentioning the difference between seeing a white butterfly and a white butterfly landing on you. 

Seeing a butterfly is a good sign, but when a butterfly lands on you, it’s actually a sign that you are in a very high vibrational state.

I know for sure that butterflies don’t land on people very often. I am a person who spends a lot of time in nature, but butterflies have only come to sit on me when I am in a very high, peaceful vibration. 

For example, when I was in a Reiki camp once, doing a lot of meditation and spiritual work, I went to a field to meditate, and when I opened my eyes, there were 3 butterflies on me. 

That’s how I knew that what I was doing was good and that I was on the right path.

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If you have been seeing white butterflies a lot lately – in real life, in your dreams, or in virtual/ painted ones, let’s see what the universe is trying to tell you through this spiritual omen.

Spiritual Meanings And Symbolism of the White Butterfly

#1. Purity

Purity as a meaning of the white butterfly

The white butterfly is mainly a symbol of purity. It will be shown to you as a confirmation that you are someone with a pure soul and a pure heart. 

White butterflies are not shown to everyone. They are shown to you as someone who is spiritually pure – living in light and love, willing to grow and evolve, and someone with the purest and best intentions. 

A white butterfly shown your way can also symbolize that you are purifying from an energetic point of view – dark energies are being cleansed off you. 

#2. Angels are near 

One of the main white butterfly spiritual meanings is that angels are near you. 

White is a color that symbolizes purity and light. Thus, the same goes for white butterflies. 

When angels are near you, offering you support and guidance, white butterflies will come to you or will be shown to you. 

Sometimes, the angels are near to offer help and guidance, and sometimes, they come to bring you spiritual gifts as a reward for something very good that you have done. 

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#3. You are divinely guided 

Another meaning of the white butterflies is that you are divinely guided. 

This means that you are receiving Divine Guidance from your Spirit Guides and other Light Entities. 

You may be dealing with a difficult situation, decision, or heartbreak, and your Spirit Guides and other Higher Powers are telling you, “we are here, we got this, you will be okay.” 

From this point of view, seeing a white butterfly is a sign that you are being blessed and protected.

#4. New beginnings

A white butterfly is also an omen for a new beginning. It symbolizes that a new beginning is headed your way, so it’s time to prepare yourself for whatever it comes with. 

If changes have been happening in your lately and it was a bit scary, the white butterfly is the way in which your Spirit Guides are telling you to let the changes happen because they are happening according to the Divine Plan. 

You don’t need to understand everything right now, just have faith and let the new beginning take place. 

#5. Opportunities coming soon 

A woman knowing opportunities are coming soon

Besides symbolizing new beginnings, white butterflies also mean new opportunities and new doors being opened for you. 

The white butterfly is a very positive omen that tells you to free your time and prepare yourself in every way possible because an amazing opportunity is coming your way, and it would be great if you fully took advantage of that! 

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#6. Your vibration is elevated

Another meaning of the white butterfly is that your energetic vibration is elevating. 

You may have done some healing or spiritual work, and it shows, and now your angels and Spirit Guides are trying to show you that changes also happen at an energetic level. 

White butterflies are usually sent by Light Beings, which signifies that these beings are there near you. 

#7. You’re on the right path 

If a white butterfly is coming your way, your angels and Spirit Guides are trying to tell you that you are on the right path spiritually, mentally, and even physically. 

If you had to make some choices or changes recently and white butterflies are showing up afterward, it is definitely a sign that you have made the right…

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