12 Tips for Self-Expression Through Journal Writing

Have you ever considered writing in a diary as an effective tool for self-expression? Journaling of some form has been used for thousands of years by cultures worldwide. You may be surprised at how rewarding spending time in quiet reflection can be for you.

12 Ways to  Journal Writing for Self-Expression

Keeping a diary is a gift that you give to yourself. It can be done as simple or fancy as you please, and nobody gets to read it but you. Here are twelve tips for using your journal to express yourself.

1. Record the Highlights of Your Day in a Journal

Have you ever wished that you could remember an event from the past? The original concept of keeping a diary was to chronicle daily events. You can still use journaling to highlight memories with a touch of self-expression.

You needn’t record every hour of your activities. One suggestion is to create a bullet list of the most important things that happened. It’s a particular way to preserve your personal history and remember important events.

2. Self-Expression of Your Deepest Emotions

According to an article by Berkely’s Greater Good Science Center, it matters what you think about your emotions. Recognizing them may help you from developing anxiety and depression. When you realize that you can control your feelings, you can benefit your entire well-being.

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Many people like to chart their daily emotions in their diaries as self-expression. You can put your feelings into words, or you may draw simple faces to represent them. As you reflect on past journal entries, you might identify any triggers that led to negative emotions.

3. Self-Expression of Your Long-Term Goals

A key to self-expression is recognizing what you want in your life. While you’ll always need variety and spontaneity, you also need goals for the future. Living without purpose or aspirations is like going on a trip without a destination.

Try designating a section of your journal to list your goals. Divide them into sections according to short-term and long-term objectives. Seeing these in writing can provide greater clarity and richer self-expression.

4. Use Your Journal as an Autobiographical Sketch

How would you want to be remembered if you passed away at this moment? Your family and close friends probably know your vital statistics like your birthday, place of birth, and your profession. But do they know your dreams and how you worked to make them a reality?

Of course, your journal is personal, and nobody has a right to invade your privacy. However, there may be memories and events in your life that you want to share with others after you pass. Writing an autobiographical sketch is an exercise in self-expression for future generations.

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5. Self-Expression of Your Artistic Side

Think of the daily musings in your journal as a spiritual extension of yourself. Your self-expression isn’t limited to words and can include drawings or pictures that tell your story. Famous diarists like Leonardo DaVinci, Marie Curie, Frida Kahlo, and Anne Frank filled theirs with doodles, figures, and beautiful artwork.

There are no limits to how creative you can be when journaling. Buy some colored pens, pencils, or markers and enhance your writing with drawings and other artwork. Feel free to add clipped magazine pictures, quotes, or anything beautiful that speaks to you.

6. Put it in a Letter

Often you’re overcome by feelings that you can’t express verbally. They can be too awkward or painful to say to someone in person. Perhaps a missed conversation can’t happen because the other person passed away.

Maybe one of your journal entries …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in powerofpositivity.com. All the rights of content are owned by powerofpositivity.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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