Oracle Card Reading May 15 – 21, 2022

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Love

Practice Reiki love exercises and healing meditations. Develop a daily gratitude practice. And at least once a day, let this vibrant feeling of love overflow your heart, then expand it in your energy field and even beyond. It works as a healing remedy for any blockage or negative energy and also protects you.

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2. Elements

Many world philosophies teach us that the universe is made up of elements which, when harmoniously balanced, support the proper flow of spiritual and life force energy. When the elements move together in unity, you feel empowered and supported to fulfill your soul mission and contribute in your own unique way to a greater purpose. Use Reiki and the healing power of the Angels to purify your physical, astral, mental, and spiritual bodies.

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3. Beauty

This card suggests that you’ll greatly benefit from creating a sense of inner and outer beauty and harmony in your life. Send Reiki to your beautiful mind and work on your mindset from time to time. During your self-Reiki sessions, balance and grow your heart-mind connection, allowing the inner beauty of your soul to touch the way your mind projects reality.

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Reiki blessings!

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