Dreaming about Someone Trying to Kill me (Spiritual)

Dreams speak to us about several things.

Therefore, we should not take them for granted.

One of the scariest dreams we can have is about someone trying to kill us. Whenever we have this dream, it does not necessarily mean that someone wants us dead.

In this article, we will discuss the different spiritual meanings of this dream, and how it affects our lives entirely.

What does it mean when you Dream of Someone trying to kill you?

Someone with a gun

Spiritually, whenever someone tries to kill you in a dream, it means that you are fearful about an incident.

The bible says that fear is a killer. Therefore, fear can take on the form of a man and try to kill you in a dream.

Seeing this scary event in dreams talks about the inner fears you have.

This fear might be based on accepting the reality of change, relocating to a new environment, or starting a new business.

Fear can be caused by several factors.

In addition to this, one of the things that breed fear is the limit we have placed on ourselves. All of these will take the form of a man and spiritually try to kill you in a dream.

Apart from this, you will dream of someone trying to kill you when your mind is trying to play tricks on you.

Yes, your mind can try to play tricks on you. However, before this happens, there are certain physical things you would have done:

  • Suspecting someone around you as evil.
  • Fearful of falling into the hands of the wrong people. 
  • Skepticism about sharing your secrets with people.
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Once all of these are present in the physical, you will most likely have dreams about someone trying to kill you. This is your mind simply playing tricks on you to make you believe that people are after you. 

Meaning of Dreaming with Someone that wants to kill me

Someone bad in my dream

Anytime you dream of someone wanting to kill you, the first spiritual meaning talks about fear. I have outlined this earlier, but it is pertinent to talk about this right here as well.

Your fear can become real.

It can become a personality, which haunts you at every given opportunity. It tries to cripple you, eliminate your confidence, and keep you stuck in the same spot.

This is why you are having this dream.

Now, what is the universe saying about this? It is saying that you should not allow your fears to hold you down. It is inspiring you to be confident enough to face your fears head-on. 

Spiritually, dreaming of someone that wants to kill you means that you are scared of dying young.

That is, you don’t desire to die at a young age, but you feel like it is going to happen eventually.

Now, this dream is not a confirmation of your fears. It is the opposite. The universe is using this message to correct your mindset. 

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You will dream about someone trying to kill you because people are after you. Once this dream becomes constant, it is not a good sign.

It is an indication that people are trying to bring you down – not kill you physically, but destroy all the things you have built over the years.

11 Spiritual Meanings of Dreaming about Someone trying to Kill me

Spiritual Meaning of Dreaming about Someone trying to Kill me

Every time you dream about someone trying to kill you, it does not mean that someone wants you dead. 11 spiritual meanings can be gotten from this dream.

The event in the dream, the type of weapon, and the gender of the person are enough factors to consider while trying to get the interpretation.

Therefore, let us look into the different spiritual meanings of this dream, and what it says concerning your life.

1) You are not in control of your life

Dreaming about someone trying to kill you spiritually means that you are not in control of your life.

This dream is only a reflection of the things that happen to you in the physical world.

  • It speaks about your lack of control in the physical.
  • It reveals how you have allowed people to take control of your life.
  • It speaks about how you judge your worth based on people’s perceptions of you, and you are always fearful that they might describe you negatively.
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All of these are the spiritual meanings of having this dream.

Once you dream of someone trying to kill you, it reveals your lack of control and encourages you to take full control and responsibility for your life.

2) You have become too obsessed with other people’s issues

Whenever you dream of someone trying to drown you in a flowing river, it says that you have allowed other people’s issues to choke you.

Now, caring for people is not bad.

However, you need to strike the balance. You need to understand that people will never stop having issues, and they will consistently run to you for help when they know that you have a tender heart.

This does not mean they are bad, but it is not healthy for you.

Stop becoming too obsessed with other people’s issues at the expense of your well-being. This dream is telling you to pay attention to your life much more.

3) Someone is forcing you to reveal your secret


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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in angelicalbalance.com. All the rights of content are owned by angelicalbalance.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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