12 Crystals for Relaxation: Calm Your Body & Mind Naturally

INSIDE: Crystals for relaxation help us achieve peace and calmness. With their healing properties, they work to eliminate stress, irritation, and anxiety and to heal our deeply felt wounds from the past. Let’s learn about our favorite ones!


Achieving mental peace and relaxation can be tough because the fight is within, yet we are triggered in so many ways. Crystals for relaxation can be very useful when we set out to combat stress and anxiety. They can help us foster good relationship with others and achieve a healthy, happy lifestyle. 

Tumbled Stones

12 Crystals for Relaxation

Here are 12 crystals for relaxation that will help to release you from stress and ensure overall well being…



Amethyst is known as the stone of spirituality & contentment. It can release us from stress, migraines, palpitations, mood swings, nervousness, irritation, anxiety, ego-thoughts, and fear.

It has incredible healing powers and sets out to cleanse the inner self of negativity. It encourages tranquility and a healthy mind and prevents negative thoughts and nightmares.


Lepidolite is one of the most effective crystals for stress. It aims to ease our emotional wounds and depression and reduces tension and nervousness. It has a calming vibration that offers up a sense of strength so we can tackle our inner and outer turmoil. It helps the brain release a chemical called dopamine, which is responsible for good moods and euphoria.

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Labradorite is considered to be one of the most powerful crystals in the metaphysical world. It is a stone of transformation and magic, and it can encourage strength, perseverance, and peace of mind. It protects our aura and promotes psychic abilities, which can ease anxiety by giving us a window into universal wisdom.

Tiger Jasper

Tiger Jasper reduces stress by offering emotional support. It balances the chakras, improves physical and mental stamina, encourages inner strength, and promotes self confidence. Its vibration is very grounding and calming – hold it in your hand while you close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths to soothe your body, mind, and spirit.

Leopardskin Jasper

Leopardskin Jasper

Leopardskin Jasper strives to keep negative thoughts and energies away from us and it surrounds us with good vibes. It promotes personal growth and development and helps us choose the right path. This soothing stone can work in the background to reduce emotional stress and ensure our well-being.

Black Jasper

Black Jasper is also known as Blackstone. It provides protection from bad energies, bad spells, and negativity. It is associated with the base chakra, supporting us with a deep, grounding energy. It offers emotional support and helps us to invite in vibrations that feel good. It brings stability in life and promotes strength, both physically and mentally.

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Rhodonite is known as the stone of compassion. It is a love stone that offers emotional support. It resonates with the heart chakra and is associated with decision making, confidence, compassion, and peace.

It helps to make the world a better place due to its compassionate nature as the user experiences a sense of empathy and understanding towards others. It aims to heal trauma and deeply felt wounds from the past, improves our relationship with others, and promotes self love and spirituality.


Amazonite is known as the stone of courage. The user experiences a sense of courage and strength after wearing it or meditating with it. It provides a shield around us, emitting positive energy, reducing laziness, and supporting the ability to overcome trauma.



Aquamarine is associated with the sea, and in spiritual terms, it is associated with cleansing. It helps us heal from trauma, stress, and anxiety and can inspire good ideas and thoughts. It encourages spirituality, while offering protection from negative and harmful energies. It is also often used as lucky charm.


Hematite is the rich in iron and is commonly found in almost all the countries. It may not be rare, but is has incredible healing properties. It is associated with root chakra, making it a grounding stone that can bring us back to our roots. The user of this stone might find it easier to overcome nightmares, achieve confidence, and attract good opportunities.

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Selenite is associated with the crown chakra and can be used for purification of the body, mind, and spirit. It plays a vital role in cleansing the aura. It provides emotional support and balances, giving us a sense of freedom from stress and trauma. This stone is source of light in our lives, promoting spiritual growth and healing energy. 

Blue Apatite

Blue Apatite can be very helpful when it comes to improving our mental health. It broadens your horizons of knowledge and intelligence for good intentions . We can use Blue Apatite to open our throat chakra and third eye, promoting concentration. Place them on your body or near you while mediating to experience…

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