12 Healing Crystals for Your Self-Discovery Journey

INSIDE: If you’re on a self-discovery journey, these crystals can help! They’ll put in the right mental state and will surround you with frequencies that support your journey. Read on to learn more!


If you’ve found yourself spending time exploring your inner self, trying to figure out who you are and what you are meant to accomplish in this life, you are definitely on the journey to self-discovery.

You can’t embark on this journey without a strong willingness to explore the depths of your soul, both the good and the bad. 

The self-discovery journey is one of the fundamental aspects of personal growth. Taking the time and putting in the effort to discover who you truly are is accomplished through patience, discipline, and determination.

You can start to understand yourself on a deeper level than ever before once you begin analyzing your hopes and dreams and questioning whether or not they truly align with who you are and who you are meant to become.

The 4 Stages of Self-Discovery

There are essentially four different stages of your self-discovery journey:

  1. Investing time into self-awareness by examining your own emotions, values, needs, and innate characteristics to understand who you truly are
  2. Establishing your personal interests and working on them
  3. Writing down the hopes and dreams that you have for your future and planning accordingly
  4. Finding a career that is not only aligned with your dreams but also with your personal interests
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The best way to kick-start your journey is by reflecting upon the following questions:

  • Do I feel fulfilled in my life?
  • Where in my life am I lacking?
  • What drives me to do the things I do?
  • What impact do I want to make on the world? 

Keeping a journal can aid greatly in your self-reflection, as it is a physical reminder of all of your progress. Plus, it helps you work through your thoughts and emotions.

Check out this article for more tips on starting a journal.


How to Use Crystals for Your Self-Discovery Journey

When you finally get a break from the never-ending hustles of life, you can begin to take the time to tap into your inner guidance, and crystals can help you with that! 

Using crystals can help clarify the guidance you’re receiving and can push you closer to your soul’s calling.

12 Best Crystals for Your Self-Discovery Journey

The self-discovery journey may be daunting at times, so we’ve compiled a list of the 12 best crystals to help you through the ride…

Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian can bring to light your biggest questions surrounding love and life. It helps to uncover the deepest secrets you may be holding within you regarding yourself and those you love.

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This stone urges exploration of the new and unknown, opening new horizons. It clears away any confusion you may be feeling toward yourself while protecting you from negative influences that are outside of your control.



Carnelian is a stone that promotes self-empowerment and creativity, allowing you to take control of your life. 

This stone is a great tool to use when trying to discover your hidden talents, helping you to get out of your comfort zone and share your skills with the world. It serves to stimulate courage and growth as you move forward with new experiences.

Lapis Lazuli

Ancient Egyptians initially used Lapis Lazuli with the belief that the stone worked as a guide for one’s self-discovery journey.

This stone helps to promote clear self-expression and peace of mind, while reducing feelings of stress and anxiety. It encourages honesty and truth telling, while giving you access to your higher consciousness.



This crystal enhances willpower, which is much needed on your self-discovery journey.

Labradorite promotes self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-control, which is especially important when working to access your higher self. It helps to open up your subconscious while allowing you to trust in your intuition.

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger's Eye

Tiger’s Eye gives you the confidence and courage you need when on your self-discovery journey. It stimulates action and also helps you to make clearer, wiser decisions.

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One of the most popular stones, Amethyst can help you heal from any self-sabotaging traits, stress, and anxiety.

This stone stimulates your third eye chakra, which opens up your subconscious to receiving guidance and accessing your intuition that will help you along your journey.



Citrine is a great stone to use along your self-discovery journey when you are lacking energy or optimism. It works to release any negative energy you may be carrying that is holding you back from accomplishing your goals and reaching your highest potential.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz

A master crystal, Clear Quartz works to clear away negative energy, limiting beliefs, and any other obstacles you are dealing with, while also amplifying the energy of any other stones you use along with it.

Rose Quartz

Known as the crystal of unconditional love, Rose Quartz inspires us…

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