11 Warning Signs Of An Overactive Root Chakra

The root chakra is the first energetic center within our body that sets the tone for our experience of safety, security, and survival.

We incarnate onto earth as human beings with basic needs to be met in order to survive and thrive.

The root chakra in its most aligned state holds the energetic blueprint and primal knowledge that allows us to do so.

This chakra is the center that connects our physical and energy bodies to the earth.

When this chakra is in balance it allows us a secure and stable foundation to expand from.

A healthy root chakra allows us to trust and receive the care that is our birthright and to enjoy the menu of life experiences by honoring but also by moving beyond just the root chakra concerns of survival.

When this chakra is out of balance it can really impact your quality of life, within this article we shall focus on the overactive root chakra, we will discuss the causes of an overactive root chakra, the signs that can indicate your root chakra is overactive and a few powerful practices to rebalance this chakra.

When we can clearly identify an imbalance then we can learn more about it and find the appropriate practices to remedy this imbalance and enjoy the incredible potential expansive experiences life has to offer.

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The Causes Of An Overactive Root Chakra

An Overactive Root Chakra

To understand the cause of an overactive root chakra we start with a basic understanding of what is an overactive chakra; this simply means that your chakra is out of balance in a way where there is an excess of energy and this excess energy is not aligned or vibrates at a non-harmonic frequency.

The vibration of an overactive root chakra does not resonate with the original aligned root chakra energy.

The cause of the root chakra overactivity can often be because of the overly materialistic values of the world that the majority of us grow up in.

This programming can take place from childhood within our families and from a variety of external factors that program our beliefs systems.

Many of us have been led to believe by mainstream cultural propaganda that the most important route to happiness and survival is through material gain and domination of the land and animals of the earth.

The elements of the earth can nourish us as we live with respect for our living planet and connected living bodies.

When we become disconnected from our original harmony with the earth and the intention for survival (which includes but also extends beyond just physical experience ).

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When we are trained into driving all of our energy towards the material aspects of life and when we forget our subtle and vital interconnection with earth this can be a cause of root chakra imbalance.

Understanding this as a cause and learning about the signs of an overactive root chakra, it becomes evident that root chakra imbalance is quite a common experience in our present day.

9 Signs Of An Overactive Root Chakra

sign of an overactive root chakra

The following are some of the signs that indicate that you may be experiencing an overactive root chakra:

1. You make decisions from a state of fear

This may take some introspection to admit to yourself but operating with a predominantly fear-based mentality is often the case when we are in a state of root chakra overactivity.

When the root chakra is overactive we feel the need to overcompensate and expend a lot of energy on securing survival because we fear that we will not survive if we don’t do certain things.

This is somewhat true, but when we are truly balanced within this energy center then any action or task is approached from a state of flow and intuition rather than compelled by the fear of not having enough or not surviving.

2. You struggle with depression

Depression is a really dense energy state that is associated with hopelessness and sadness.

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When we take on the extremely linear and material view of life that is characterized by an overactive root chakra this can contribute to feelings of depression as we can limit ourselves by internalizing the belief that the physical aspect is the only important element.

We can also become really frustrated trying to find happiness through only material objects and material outward success, we can feel really lost when we are trying to survive on just the surface level, disconnected from the ecology of the earth and from a physical life that includes broader perspectives.

When the root chakra is balanced we can live with instinctive trust that includes awareness of spiritual energy that gives life to everything in the physical.

Without this perspective, we are less able to take graceful responsibility and trust in ourselves to survive and thrive.

These are just some of the ways that an overactive root chakra state can contribute to depression.

3. You feel heavy in your body

woman with a root chakra that's overactive

This sign is linked to the point…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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