15 Mantras That Help You Stay Calm Through Chaos

Mantras are often used interchangeably with affirmations. They focus on positive thinking and improving your well-being. Repeating affirmations encourage you to focus, meditate, and do what’s best for your life.

Consistent repetition is the best way to use mantras because it helps your mind view it as truth. Telling yourself that you are calm can help you achieve that mental state. You’ll gain strength and energy as you repeat them and embrace what you deserve in your life.

While you can’t prevent all chaos, you can control your reactions during the experience. These mantras can help you make the best decisions for yourself amidst the chaos. As you read through the affirmations, write the ones that resonate within you.

By choosing the ones that you relate to, you’ll help yourself make beneficial changes. You can use the same affirmations each day or switch it up at any time. These mantras will help you refocus on what’s important in life while resisting the chaos around you.

Fifteen Mantras That Help You Stay Calm Through Chaos

1 – I am safe right now, and everything will be okay.

When the world around you seems to be in shambles, remind yourself that you’re okay. Anxious thoughts during chaotic moments can make you feel like something detrimental will happen to you. Remembering that you’re okay can help you stay calm and get through anything.

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2 – I deserve love and give myself the attention I need.

When life gets crazy, it’s easy to think you don’t deserve love and attention. However, you deserve all the good things in life, and you don’t have to wait for anyone to give them to you. Focus on self-love, and you’ll feel your worries ease and your self-worth increase.

3 – I am relaxed and calm no matter what occurs around me.

Telling yourself that you’re calm can help you relax through the power of self-belief. Your mind believes what you say, so repeating this mantra can help. The more you tell yourself that you’re relaxed and calm, the better you’ll feel.

4 – I feel my tension melting away.

When you tell yourself that you feel your tension melting away, you’ll likely experience less stress. Try to use visualization as you repeat this affirmation. Visualize the tension leaving your body and positivity flowing throughout.

5 – I know that my worries are temporary.

Hard times and worrisome moments don’t last forever. When chaos seems to take over your life, use this affirmation to remind yourself that it’s only temporary. The negative feelings won’t last forever, and reminding yourself can make the good times come sooner.

6 – I am at peace with my life and the world around me.

Being at peace with your life can help you resist external chaos. It limits the effect of stress if you tell yourself that you’re peaceful. Self-belief will allow you to have an easier time staying calm and letting the hardships pass.

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7 – I am focusing on my breathing and letting everything else go.

When the chaos around you becomes too much, this affirmation can help you refocus. Tell yourself that you’re focusing on your breathing, and you’ll start to do just that. As you breathe, you can visualize letting everything else go, including worry, chaos, and negativity.

8 – I am calm and centered in every situation.

Tell yourself that you’re calm and centered, and you’ll feel more in control of the situation. Don’t let hardship and chaos disrupt your well-being.

Use this affirmation every morning to prepare yourself for the unexpected. You can also …

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