4 Keys to Personal Growth and Transformation – Part 4: Implementation — Follow Your Own Rhythm

If you struggle with anger, an excellent book on calming your nerves and finding inner peace is “Anger: Wisdom for Cooling the Flames” by Thich Nhat Hanh.

This is an EXCELLENT book for those who are ready to understand their anger, deal with it, and overcome it.


Example 3: You have bad anxiety. You worry about the future often and you get nervous easily. You are aware of this issue, you’ve done the research, and you know that your anxiety comes from the thoughts you think – mostly worries about the future and negative what if’s, and not from the situations themselves. 

In this phase of implementation, you would start to consciously change your thought patterns and physically rewire your brain. Now that sounds more scientific and complicated than it has to be.  

Every time you’d get anxious, instead of getting lost in your anxious thoughts and freaking out, you’d check in with yourself and see what types of thoughts caused this feeling.  Then you would ask yourself if these thoughts reflect the truth and reality (most likely not), or if they reflect some irrational fear or belief (most likely yes). Then, instead of focusing on negative what if’s, you focus on positive what if’s.  What could go RIGHT? This positive thinking would start to rewire your brain to scan the world for the good, not the bad.

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Example 4: You’ve been neglecting yourself. You need some TLC. You’ve read so many blogs about self-care, self-love, and self-acceptance and noticed that you need some of it yourself, yet you find yourself too busy, too afraid, or too guilty to do it. 

The implementation phase would require that you say no to other people, that you cancel certain activities, that you let go of control and trust that others can take care of themselves, and that you figure out what YOU want. You figure out what you NEED.  And you figure out who YOU ARE.  And that means scheduling in some “me time” and owning it unapologetically.  It means proudly taking this sacred time for yourself, letting your friends and family know, and doing the work it takes to nourish your mind, body, and soul. 

That could be a relaxing hot bath with candles and soothing music, it could be reading a personal development book, it can be journaling, exercising or meditating every morning, or it can be looking in the mirror to tell yourself how beautiful you are just the way you.  It can be anything that you need right now to reconnect, replenish, reenergize, and relax.

Example 5: You get in a fight with someone and you catch yourself being a really big Beeee.  The practice of implementation would require that you stop yourself in the moment and change your approach and attitude. It can also mean admitting to the other person that you were being inappropriate.   And it can also mean that you apologize for hurting their feelings. It basically means owning up and taking responsibility for what you did or said, and doing what needs to be done to resolve the situation.

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Example 6: A more practical example – You took Spanish in high school and you sort of know how to mumble a few sentences.  You travel to Mexico and your skills are needed to get around. You don’t shy away from speaking out of embarrassment and you don’t pretend to not know Spanish.  You speak like you’ve never spoken before! Make your Spanish teacher proud!

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in followyourownrhythm.com. All the rights of content are owned by followyourownrhythm.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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