35 Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations for Confidence and Motivation

In this post, discover 35 powerful solar plexus chakra affirmations to balance and heal your spiritual energy center for confidence, positivity, and self-esteem. Plus, don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of this post to sign up for your free printable solar plexus chakra affirmations and journal prompts!

35 Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations for Confidence, Motivation, and Positivity

What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

Located above your navel, in the center of your torso (you might also refer to it as the pit of your stomach), the solar plexus chakra is your body’s energy center for confidence, positivity, motivation, and drive. I also like to think of it as the chakra that’s associated with all the self words: self-esteem, self-respect, self-image, and self-worth.
When your solar plexus chakra is balanced and aligned, your overall self-image is high. You feel confident in the steps you’re taking, and you wholeheartedly believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.

A balanced solar plexus chakra is also associated with being a good team player. You’re collaborative, confident in your decision making, and have a high sense of integrity.

Blockages and imbalances to the solar plexus chakra are associated with low self-esteem, lack of ambition, and a sense of worthlessness. If the solar plexus chakra is overactive, you may also experience arrogance, hunger for power, and a superiority complex.

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Positive affirmations are a powerful way to restore balance to any of your body’s energy centers. Below, you’ll find 35 powerful solar plexus chakra affirmations to activate, balance, and heal your energy center for confidence, positivity, and self-esteem.

And to go even deeper into balancing your solar plexus chakra, I’ve also put together 30 journal prompts to open and heal your solar plexus chakra. You’ll also get these journal prompts, along with the affirmations below, if you sign up for the free printable at the bottom of this post.

Want to really dig in deep and work to heal all seven of your main chakras? Check out the Ultimate Chakra Healing Bundle, the most comprehensive chakra healing tool on the market today. Each bundle includes a Chakra Healing eBook, Chakra Healing Workbook, and 8-Week Chakra Healing Guide. Begin your lifelong journey to deep and lasting healing today.

Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations

  1. I am strong, powerful, and confident.
  2. I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
  3. I am motivated, persistent, and successful.
  4. I wholeheartedly believe in myself.
  5. I can accomplish incredible things.
  6. I confidently welcome new experiences.
  7. I am competent, capable, and strong.
  8. I radiate confidence and positivity.
  9. I am aligned with my purpose.
  10. I am my highest and most authentic self.
  11. I am enough, just as I am.
  12. I have the confidence and power to take big leaps.
  13. I confidently and fearlessly believe in myself.
  14. I will not settle for less than I deserve.
  15. I am pure, positive energy.
  16. I hold the key to my own happiness.
  17. Limitless joy is my birthright.
  18. I am worthy, strong, powerful, courageous, and always enough.
  19. I am taking bold steps and walking forward with confidence and self-belief.
  20. I am radiant, beautiful, and thriving.
  21. I know my value and will not lessen or shrink myself for anything or anyone.
  22. I have the strength and courage to handle anything that comes my way.
  23. I am equipped with all the tools I need to succeed.
  24. My soul is radiant, my body is strong, and my mind is brilliant.
  25. I am fearless in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire.
  26. I have the courage and confidence to accept my dreams as reality.
  27. Where focus goes, energy flows, so I focus on confidence, success, and prosperity.
  28. I love and accept myself for exactly the person I am right now.
  29. I am the only …
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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in ZannaKeithley.com. All the rights of content are owned by ZannaKeithley.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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