How a Manifestation Journal Can Help You Create Your Dream Life!

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Do you love to write in your journal?

Do colorful pens and paper make you feel like you have your life together?

Do you love manifestation and visualization?

If so, using a manifestation journal will be the perfect law of attraction tool for you!

how a manifestation journal can help you create your dreamlife

What is a manifestation journal?

A manifestation journal is a place where you specifically write down your goals, dreams, and wishes to help them come true!

You can use a manifestation journal to visualize and plan out all of the things you’d like to bring into your life.

You can even use it to script your dream life!

Do manifestation journals work?

YES! A manifestation journal works because the more you repeat what you want, the more it is imprinted in your subconscious mind.

This means your brain will go to work and help you make it happen, drawing to you everything you want.

Even if you only write down something you want one time, you will often look through your journal later and realize it happened!

This is because you’ve focused your desire and told the Universe what you want.

The clearer your desire and less resistance you have, the faster and easier it will come to you.

woman writing in notebook

Getting started with a manifestation journal:

What kinds of journals work best for manifesting?

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You can use ANY journal or notebook you want for manifesting journaling. Use whatever you have or whatever feels good to you! You can use:

  • A bullet journal
  • Your phone
  • An online journal
  • Microsoft word or a google doc
  • An app
  • A plain notebook
  • A piece of scrap paper
  • A fancy journal or notebook that feels high vibe to you
  • Post-it notes

The ONLY limit when it comes to manifesting with a journal is YOU.

You do not need anything fancy to get started! It’s more important that you use whichever method feels best to you.

You want to feel high vibe when you practice manifesting and know that it will work for you. That’s it!

woman using electronic tablet

What is the best manifestation journal?

The best manifestation journal is the one you will actually use!

If you try manifestation journaling with an app or on your computer and you don’t get excited about it and find yourself avoiding it or forgetting, try it with a paper journal.

Or vice-versa, if you can’t seem to find the time to write in a paper journal, try using your phone or computer.

There are all sorts of different manifestation journal methods, and you can use any of them with ANY of the above types of journals.

Try them all if you’d like!

Otherwise, start with whichever one clicks for you.

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Use that method until you get bored or want to try something else.

woman holding electronic tablet smiling

Manifestation journal steps:

Getting started with a manifestation journal is actually really simple and easy!

Here’s a quick rundown of how to use a manifestation journal:

  • Choose a manifestation journal method you’d like to try.
  • Choose a time to write where you’re free from distractions.
  • Set an intention. Calm and center yourself for a few seconds and set the intention that whatever you write in your journal is going to happen. Feel the feelings and excitement of asking the Universe for what you want and knowing that you’re going to get it!
  • Write in your journal, using whatever method you chose.
  • When you’re done, feel the feelings of having what it is that you wrote. If someone came up to you on the street and gave you exactly what you wanted, how would it feel?
  • Feel those feelings as you close your journal. It is done! This or something better!
  • Any time you think about your manifestation, take a moment to feel the feelings of it happening. Feel the excitement and happiness that you’re getting what you wanted. You can even schedule alerts in your phone for a few times a day to remind you to feel the feelings of having what you want.
woman writing in a notebook

Different manifestation journal methods:

There are lots of different manifestation journal methods.

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Everything from visualization, scripting, writing down your goals every day, using the 369 manifestation method, creating a vision board, and more!

While this post will describe a lot of these techniques, just know that there’s not a wrong or right way to create a manifestation journal.

If you feel excited about using a different technique or you’ve come up with your own way of manifesting/journaling, then by all means do what feels best to you!

woman writing to-do list in notebook

Scripting / writing as-if – The scripting manifestation method means that you write down what you want as if it’s already happened.

One quick way to do this is to write it down as if you were telling a friend what happened.

Question/answer format – The question/answer format method is to ask yourself questions about your manifestation.

Ask the question and let your higher self tell you the answers!

Often you can uncover things you didn’t even know you wanted.

It also helps you uncover the limiting beliefs that might be holding…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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