Cast a Circle of Protection with Reiki

It’s that time of the year when we start talking about the thinning of the veil. A time when those in the ghostly spirit world can easily walk into our solid earth world. It’s an excellent time to try and make contact and communicate with those that have departed from this plane of existence. There are many methods that people use to make a spirit connection. We can use Reiki in this endeavor to add a layer of precaution.

Mediumship, astral projection, divination, spirit and psychic work all blend well with a Reiki practice. When you work in the liminal spaces between this world, and other places and spaces, you will often hear about using a protective circle.

A protective circle is a way to surround yourself with energy that creates a sacred and safe space around you. The circle is meant to protect you from negative energy or influences. It’s also infused with your intent and concentrates the Reiki around you. Protective circles can be cast with physical and tangible objects, like salt, candles, or stones. Circles can also be visualized and created energetically.

Reiki is an energy of love and healing. It already exists in a form that we can use to create circles of protective energy around us.

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You can create a Reiki protective circle when you need a sacred space.

A circle of protection can also be called upon when you are doing any kind of spirit work. It’s also just a great addition to your daily routine to help keep your aura clean. This circle casting can become a part of your etheric hygiene practice. If you regularly check your aura for leaks or holes then you will know that negative energy, situations, stress, and daily life can create the need for cleansing. Creating a protective circle of Reiki can help prolong the need for an aura cleansing.

Cast a Circle of Protection with Reiki

Whatever your reason, creating and casting a circle of Reiki energy is a simple process of visualizing the energy as a white light radiating down upon you.

Create this circle by visualizing the Reiki energy. State your intention that this is to be used to encircle you, repel negative energies or forces, keep your aura clean, and radiate Reiki to you, throughout the time needed, until you release this circle. Your intention should be worded for your specific needs and tailored to the work you will be doing.

Visualize this Reiki energy as though it was almost like a ray of sunlight. Once the white light reaches the crown of your head, see it begin to swirl around as it creates a protective bubble. I think of it as a ribbon, slowly cascading down and around me. Allow the energy to encircle your body. Once visualized, this protective layer of Reiki will stay with you while you need it.

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When it’s time to remove the circle of Reiki then you can simply visualize the energy, in reverse. Start from your feet and see the white light unraveling in the opposite direction as it spirals back to a space above your crown. Or you can use the dry brush technique to…

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