25 Signs Your Soulmate Is Coming

Meeting your soulmate is perhaps one of the most important moments in anyone’s life.

That magical union, that feeling that everything is falling into place and the soothing thought that you have found your other half.

The Universe has it all planned for you, and at the right time, when you are mostly healed and at peace with yourself, your soulmate will come into your life, making your dreams come true.

The Universe sends certain signs that your soulmate is about to come, and it can be useful to know these signs in order to prepare yourself, emotionally and mentally.

Don’t get me wrong, if your soulmate is about to come into your life, you are most certainly on the right path, because we only meet our soulmates when we’ve healed ourselves enough to be able to part of that magical relationship that is manifested in the most amazing way.

Therefore, here are the main 25 signs your soulmate is coming into your life.

25 Signs Your Soulmate Is Coming Into Your Life

soulmate is coming signs

Sign #1. You’ve done a lot of self-healing and you’ve been working on yourself. 

In order for the relationship with your soulmate to work, you need to be in the best emotional and mental state possible.

That means that you need to do a lot of healing, to let go of past traumas and suffering that might impede your ability to love freely and without reserve.

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Because the relationship with your soulmate is meant to work out and you two most likely have a divine mission to fulfil together, the Universe only sends them when you are ready to receive them and to create a powerful relationship.

So, if you have been healing a lot of past wounds lately and feel that you have really changed your life around, there are high chances that you are about to meet your soulmate.

Sign #2. You have found balance. 

You might have undergone many difficult situations in your life, and the Universe has tested and re-tested you, just like it does with everyone else.

But eventually, you have passed those spiritual tests, learned your lessons, overcame those tough situations, and reached a level of spiritual balance like never before.

You know you have reached a new level of balance when your life seems to have fallen into place – you have the right job for you, your social life and finances are thriving, you have healed your wounds and regained confidence in yourself.

You have a sense of inner peace and faith and in the Universe, knowing that you can get through anything that life may bring.

This inner peace happens to be the perfect mindset to attract your soulmate, therefore, this is exactly what will happen.

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Sign #3. You have reached self-love. 

Self love as one of the signs Your soulmate Is coming

Due to all the healing and work on yourself that you have been doing, you have reached a new level of self-acceptance and self-love.

It is said that we can only truly love another when we love ourselves.

But no one has taught us how to love ourselves, on the contrary, most of us grew up in families where scolding and criticism were seen as the right way to educate us, therefore our generation struggles severely with self-love and self-esteem.

Luckily, self-love and self-esteem both can be improved, and when whey they reach optimum levels, the Universe received the message that we are ready to create that one relationship that is meant for us, therefore sends us our soulmate.

Sign #4. You have found your life purpose. 

Most of the time, soulmates are meant to help us achieve our life purpose and fulfill our mission, therefore they share the same purpose or have a very similar one.

On some rare occasions they can guide us towards finding our life purpose, but most of the time they come into our lives when we have already found it because most people have to choose their own direction.

When you know what path you meant to walk on, your future is mainly decided, therefore, the Universe is sending you your soulmate.

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This happens because now that you don’t have to search the right path for you anymore, you will have the focus and energy to build your destined relationship.

Sign #5. You know what you want. 

After finding your life purpose and the right path for you, it goes without saying that you will have enough inner peace to know exactly what type of relationship you want and need in order to manifest your deepest dreams and desires.

You will intuitively know that manifesting that perfect relationship is a mix of knowing specifically what you want and trusting the Universe to give you that certain something.

You will know what type of relationship you want to be involved in, how you want it to look like and how you want to feel while in it, but you will not try to attract a specific person, because you will have enough faith to leave it up to the Divine Will.

This amazing mindset is the right one to bring the desired soulmate…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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